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Trash or Treasure?

11 years ago

Welcome to the latest installment of "name that plant!" As more pops up in the new garden, there are some things I'm stumped about. If anyone can help ID, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

The small yellow bell shaped flowers on this face downward. The plant is very prolific, sprouting all over the front flower bed, and is only about 8 inches tall. Green foliage is slightly tinted gray. Weed or desirable? Looks something like codonopsis on google, but don't think habit is vining and foliage may not be right.

This ferny thing is everywhere, spreading out of the flowerbeds into the lawn. Tiny closed yellow flowers this evening which look somewhat weedy. Short, like 4 inches tall.

This is growing all over the pea gravel area by the greenhouse, which makes me think "weed."

This is a weed or groundcover that lives by what turned out to be four-o-clocks.

At first I thought this was a huge redbud leaf (the trunk is lost in the bamboo but I saw flowers about 20 ft in the air this spring) but then found this climbing a chain link fence across the yard like a vine. Any vining redbuds with enormous leaves?

Lastly, found a huge amount of trees (volunteers grown large in the chain link) that I guessed were hackberries. The leaves are horribly disfigured, look warty and twisted and pocked, and I wonder if these little fuzzy things are to blame. Maybe some sort of host plant for something?

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