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Bayernfeige Violetta - questions

14 years ago


I am in the Kirkland, WA area, about 3 miles or so from Lake Washington. I was planning to plant a fig tree and picked up a Bayernfeige Violetta from Molbaks in Woodinville (their last fig it seemed). I was unable to get information on the approximate age of the plant; it is 2.5 feet tall and has 3 green figs (breba crop?) on it with 2 more fallen off. The plant is currently dormant and is sitting in my garage. I had a few questions about it which I was hoping the experts here would be able to answer; please let me know if I should be asking someplace else instead.

1. Given the description above, can I deduce the approximate age of the plant?

2. Does anyone have experience with the taste and quality of the Violetta compared to the Desert King which appears to be the recommended variety for the area? I understand of course that taste is highly subjective, so I am just looking to get your personal opinion. More objectively, can I expect the plant to set figs as reliably as the DK? How do the quantities of the fruit set compare?

3. Should I be setting the fig tree out in the yard, or is that a bad idea? I could leave it in the garage over the winter, but I was hoping that if I planted it out now I could get some root development over the winter which would help the tree when Spring rolls around. The fig is eventually going to go into the ground instead of into a container.

4. Can I hope to get two crops from this variety (both Breba and main?) I know this might be expecting too much, but it never hurts to ask :) If I can expect only one, which one will it be? Will it help the main crop if I remove the small fruit from the previous year?

5. How large can I expect this tree to get with time? I was planning to plant it under some power lines, so I was hoping to keep the tree under 15-20 feet tall if I could. What is the growth rate expected?

6. I read elsewhere that the Violetta variety requires more care and feeding that other varieties - especially additional water during the dry season and extra fertilizer. Is this accurate?

Thank you very much for reading - I know this is a lot of questions, but I wanted to make sure I selected the right variety for my yard. Thanks!

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