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Are My Weeds Bigger Than Your Weeds?

corunum z6 CT
10 years ago

Honest to Pete, I was out in the back corner garden and there, between a clump of river birch and a Trompenburg Japanese maple, was this year's tallest weeds. After 17" of rain in 6 weeks (I have not had to water at all) and the African Queen movie-like humidity, this morning I pulled these towers straight up out of the ground in one piece and as I carried them across the lawn, a primeval feeling welled up inside me. It felt as though I had morphed from gardener to hunter and had just shot the 8'3" weed.

It's so astounding I can't even be embarrassed. Anybody know what this thing is?

P.S. It's not a perennial bed. It's all flowering shrubs and trees.

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