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New Gardener Survey

Well Al, let's see if I can't wake up the hibernating new gardeners and reap some info of value to me and perhaps others as well :-))

At the start of each gardening season, I present a number of classes for new gardeners. So far, the material has been pretty much of an overview - definitions of some typical but confusing gardening terms, basic plant morphology, elementary soil/amendment info, a review of basic but essential tools and a number of points that are climate/region specific. And a selection of local resources for various gardening issues - don't want to overwhelm anyone with too much info too fast :-)

So far these classes and the material they contain have been very well received. But it would be of great value if the beginning gardeners here would share exactly the type of information they find of benefit in getting started with this fascinating and compelling hobby. So newbies, if you could have a short (less than 2 hour) class that would summarize what you wanted to know, what information would you like to see presented? Any input is appreciated - feel free to post away!

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