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Show us your gardens - a photo thread - April 2013

11 years ago

Broke wrist. Typing leftie. Will edit with all the beginning stuff when cast comes off. Until then, you know what to do. Claire - thanks for keeping March going.

updates 23 April
This is a place to post photos, and to discuss, what is in your garden. This is the thread for April 2013. All garden photos are welcome. As we begin to welcome spring, IâÂÂm happily anticipating the variety of gardenscapes that could possibly be posted in this thread. If it is a photo taken in your garden or your yard, it is fair game to post it here.

Here is the link for the April 2012 thread

For previous 2013 threads:
March 2013

February 2013

January 2013

To see all of the 2012 threads, please click on the December 2012 link. The first post will have links to all previous months.

I am (still) in process of moving all the 2011 threads over to the
photo gallery
. I need to look up who IâÂÂm supposed to e-mail. Plus I have to make the list.

This post was edited by pixie_lou on Tue, Apr 23, 13 at 14:12

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