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Project FeederWatch #3 2009/2010

The Project FeederWatch #3 2009/2010 thread was getting a bit unwieldy so I've started a new thread.

In that thread I showed some photos of Hooded Mergansers I saw in the 2010 GBBC. The year before, in the 2009 GBBC, I photographed a Red-breasted Merganser. The Red-breasted Merganser isn't quite as startling as the Hooded types, but it's still a neat bird.

PM2 asked if the turkeys were still around. Yup. They're not hanging around as often, and they seem distracted by hints of spring, but they still love to feed under the nyjer socks. And drink water from a bowl under the copper birdbath. These shots are from this afternoon.

And then there's the reason the smaller birds are very nervous nowadays. An adult Cooper's Hawk has taken over the sharpie's territory. These are from yesterday.


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