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very first hosta share/exchange

Today is an important day in my Hosta life. I went to a Hosta seller who grows them at their house, over 500 I believe, and even more for sale. Anyway, I went there to pick up Giantland Sunny Mouse Ears and when I was paying, I noticed a list on the wall. Most of the hostas, I hadn't heard of but one of them, I happen to have.

It is Emerald Necklace and Paul (seller's name) asked if he could have a small piece. That experience was quite cool, a seller that didn't have one that I have :)

I drove back with Emerald Necklace (just 3 minutes down the road) and he took it apart and took 2 eyes and I had 2 eyes - I only bought it last year so it isn't very big yet. He told me I could have whatever hosta I wanted in his garden and that he was very grateful.

Strange, as all of a sudden I couldn't remember 'one' hosta that I wanted! Anyway, during my walk around I saw a lovely Kiwi Full Monty and I know that I wanted one of those. He gave it to me.

With regards to cost, he said he would pay me for my Emerald Necklace but I suggested we do a trade instead. I don't know about the 'value' but I am happy with the way it worked out. The EN is so small that it didn't really make a difference to me.



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