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Amorpha Ouachitensis-Leadwort

18 years ago

I got this plant as a Freebe with a mail order. It is suppose to be a butterfly larva food plant and I do have lots of butterflies. It only blooms a few weeks but Wow! I'm working now on underplantings for it.



Here is a link that might be useful: Ginger's Flower Garden

Comments (2)

  • 18 years ago

    I had to go to your garden website to find the photo, but I was impressed. It looks sort of intermediate between Amorpha fruticosa (false indigo; too large and straggly for my garden) and A. canescens (another 'leadplant' that is smaller in size and has small leaflets with a grayish bloom). Your A. ouachitensis seems to have more and showier blooms than either of the species I have grown.

  • 18 years ago

    I planted A. fruticosa also, but it has barely grown at all. I can't think right now of the catalogs name-but I know it's in Arkansas. It so happens that I live in Ouachita parish-maybe that's why it's so happy here.
