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Neighbor dog pooping on my lawn

22 years ago

My husband had an altercation (if you can call it that, considering my husband couldn't get one word in edgewise) with our neighbor this weekend over his dog pooping in our yard. Here's the story. I hope someone has some advice:

I'm living next to the low class neighbor from Redneckville. We've lived in our neighborhood of new homes for two years now. From day one, we've had problems with this guy allowing his two dogs to poop on our lawn. He's the type of guy who leaves his dead X-mas tree on his front lawn until early summer and dumps his grass clippings over the fence onto the property behind him.

Well, they eventually got rid of one dog and fenced in the back yard. But...we share a 15-foot wide strip of grass between our driveways in front, and the his wife continually lets the dog poop there instead of letting him out in the back yard. If she sees us coming around the corner she'll yell at the dog, but otherwise she let's him do his thing on our lawn.

My husband has been shoveling it back into their yard. This weekend as he was doing this, some of it landed on the neighbor's driveway, and my husband left it there. When the neighbor came home and saw the poop he went ballistic, claiming it wasn't from his dog, loudly spewing out profanities at my husband, threatening to call the police on him, and then threatening to beat his a#$#$. My husband couldn't even get one sentence in. I tried to get the guy to talk about the problem with us, but he would have nothing to do with it.

It's obvious the poop is from his was found 30 feet into our property right between our two garages - right where the dog usually goes. There are no strays in this neighborhood. This happened Friday night, and now I feel so uncomfortable living next to them. Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with a problem like this? We plan to move next Spring, but until then what can I do?

Comments (112)

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm having trouble with a nasty neighbor that insists on using our yard for their dog's toilet, repeatedly. It is common place for them to stand in front of our home(and neighboring houses)with their leashed dog, allowing the dog to deficate, urinate (on trees and costly plants), and meander around for minutes at a time. I get the feeling that they do not want to mess their yard, so they mess all the neighboring yards instead. Once the father just stood there while the dog urinated, staring right at me, completely at ease to be doing what he was doing! I was in shock at the nerve. They do not pick up the poop. Just a couple days ago, I watched the girl allow the dog to deficate, and just walked off. I picked up the poop with a plastic bag, walked it to their house in an attempt to return her "property" to her. She did not answer the door, so I left the bagged poop on their door step. Minutes later, she appears at my door, explaining that the dog had diarrea, and she could not pick it up (although I had no problem picking it up: it was soft, but not liquid). I handed her some literature I found on the web giving reasons why allowing a dog to deficate (especially if the dog was ill) on a neighbor's property is not only disrespectful, but a health hazard, the fines for not following the law for not picking up, how dog poop is bad for plants, transmits disease, people step in the mess, etc. I told her there was nothing to discuss, other than that she and her family are to not walk the dog on our (and neighboring) properties and to pick up every time if the dog absolutely must go on a walk. After she left, she called the police on me for leaving the poop at her door. I could not believe the nerve of this girl! Then yesterday, I recieved an angry and insulting letter in the mail from her which basically stated that she sees nothing wrong with allowing the dog to damage neighboring properties, because dogs pee and poop on walks, pee on plants and trees ("it is what they do") she is human and doesn't always have a bag with her, etc. Basically, the letter was just her defending her entitlement to continue doing what she is doing. Any suggestions on how to proceed would are welcomed!

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The first time my she did she told me that I was rude for asking if she had a pooper scooper. The second time my mom and I were told that we were not wanted in the apartment community. I did not answer the door because she seemed kind of crazy. Then today the poop is outside. I thought about leaving it on her doorstep. Then I began to get creative. If I drank some coffee, and produced some of my own poop in a plastic baggie and then left that with the dog poop and cover her entire porch, maybe it would stop. Anyone have any suggestions?

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    Comments (1)
    Unless you want total war, your options are limited to three, that I can see. Two of the options lead to only unpleasant hostilities.... As gravelling as it is, your real option is number 3. First, see if your local government has some kind of leash law that you can use. If they let the dogs out to run, and can be caught at it, then they might get a ticket. Won't stop their behavior, particularly with someone this raging and unreasonable. Second, pursue this issue through your condo association. I suspect that after more of his yelling and intimidation at the association meeting, even if there is some sort of 'motion' made, there will be no change. Third, try to work your head around the fact that you just have to scoop up the stuff, and throw it away..... Infuriating. But try to let that go. Most of us have to deal with such things, but we have the advantage of not knowing whose dog is doing it. Knowing just where it comes from makes it more difficult. But that's just the way it is. If the areas were not common areas, there would be more you could do, but as it is.... Just throw the stuff away.
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    My neighbor is training his dog to bark at us


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    Prairielove: If you read my update to the situation this year, you will understand that I did take proactive action to keep this person from blowing his leaves into my yard by stacking logs about 3 feet high and 100 feet long along the one border of my property. And this person did still manage to blow his leaves into our yard. Even though he knew that we did not appreciate it. This neighbor is obviously unbalanced in that he has held a grudge about this fence for 7 years. I mean, how weird is that in the first place? I mean, it is our property, I can do whatever to it that I want under jurisdiction of the county I live in and no one else has anything to say about it. It is a nice looking fence. DH has done the "talking" in the past and it ends up that the neighbor ignores it. When we finally get fed up and confront him in a stern manner, it ends up with the person getting all "you are the bad guys" and ends in a shouting match. Or we get lying, or cocky replies. And this person continues to sneak around to access our property, to blow leaves into our yard, etc. You cannot have a "relationship" with a neighbor that is crazy. We just want this person to leave our property alone - totally - 100%. That is all... if I have to call in authorities to get that accomplished so be it. However, I really think that telling your animal to bark at someone on purpose is totally uncalled for. I mean, what is next, telling the dog to attack on command? I had no intention of calling the authorities back about the barking dog I just wanted to know if it is considered harassment which I think it is. So I am noting it in my log. Although to note, that the dog was out for about 4 hours yesterday afternoon and he likely barked for about 2 of those hours... he is a coonhound and that is what they do. And I am willing to accept some barking, all dogs bark, I own a dachsie I know, but to train the dog to bark on command at a specific person is just uncalled for. I am now looking at places to get cheap shrubbery until I can afford to put in a 6 foot fence. And I just bought some no trespassing signs. And I am going to get an ultrasonic bark control for when we are out in the yard to see if that works. Thanks all. I'll let you know how this situation unfolds!
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    neighbors harassing my dogs


    Comments (26)
    To be perfectly honest, I don't see the purpose of a "fake" camera. That will not protect you if, after harrassing your dogs for weeks or months, the tormentors should decide to come in your yard and are bitten. That camera will not help. I would google surveilance cameras and see what is available online. I bet you can find something pretty reasonable and if the worst happened, you would have visual proof that your dogs were goaded into action. As far as providing an outside area for your dogs to run and play, I don't see the problem as long as they have shelter and food & water. There are a lot of dog owners whose purpose in owning a dog is to provide warning when strangers come on your property. I have 6 acres and have 2 inside dogs and 2 outside dogs. They are trained to stay on the property even though the two little ones could easily go through the field fence on the property perimeter. The larger dogs cannot and their size alone is a good deterant to trespassers. Because I live 12 miles outside of town, I have two sets of cameras on my veranda mounted at opposite corners and pointed down the front and across the ends of the house. This shows any activity around doors and windows. Before you decide that I am paranoid be aware that I live close to the Mexican border and we have illegals walking through the country side. Before getting the dogs, they would walk up to the house to ask for food. I was OK with that as long as I had family around but I am here alone now and would rather not take a chance. Pardon the ramble but, the point is, cameras are your best way to document what is going on and you can find something reasonable. Radio Shack used to have a set up but I already had mine so don't remember what they cost. Pat
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    Dog pooping consistently on our lawn


    Comments (18)
    As a loooooong time owner of multiple dogs at a time, it is nice when the dog has a target where he/she can comfortably and reliably poop. It makes timing your walk much easier. Some breeds of dog do not want to poop anywhere near where they live and will walk and walk (and walk) to get farther away. For the human that can be exhausting. If anything I would try to engage the guy and thank him for picking it up. That way he will be relieved to know he's not going to get chased away. Also it is my observation that my dogs are completely uninterested in pooping near where another dog has pooped. Both my current dogs like to gain dominance and they almost always ignore other dog's piles of poop (we walk in a green space that's fairly uninhabited by anyone but us, and we have dung beetles that quickly take care of the piles).
    ...See More
  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh God, the nerve of some people..I don't blame you guys for leaving poop on THEIR's their pets and they're responsible. It's not the dogs fault..
    Tree, what did the police do when they came to your house?
    We have a dog, an English Mastiff, and he's only to go in OUR yard, and my dh takes him to the forest nightly. We never walk him around the neighborhood. It irks me that these ppl have the nerve to allow their pets to poop on our lawns..There should be laws against it.
    I have a neighbor who used to walk her dog..she lived on the other side of the street, yet she'd walk her on our side.
    Every spring I'd plant annuals and seedlings out front, only to have this woman walk her dog, and allow her to piss on my new plants..I would get so angry. It got to a point, when I saw her out front of my house, I'd step outside, and in a firm tone, tell her I didn't want her dog pissing on my garden.
    I notice some ppl out my way are setting signs out front stating not to allow dogs to use their grass/gardens as a toilet. It's to the, whether or not ppl will respect these signs, who knows...
    Ppl who do not obey signs, and allow dogs to 'go' on our lawns, are NOT playing with a full deck, and because of their ignorance, do NOT understand, either intentionally or out of stupidity.
    I even considered putting a small fence so dogs wouldn't use my gardens as a bathroom. Again, it's not the dogs fault, it's the owner who is to blame.
    If you're in a small community, rather than a large city, perhaps calling the police will help..if u complain enough, maybe neighbors will take you seriously..If you live in a large city, the police have other issues and don't have time to deal with it. This subject troubles me to no end..Toni

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Pour bacon grease on the "offerings" perhaps the dog will remove them himself. Amuse yourself with images of sloppy puppy kisses being received next door.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This solution works for a barking dog also.... invest in a quality paintball gun. Then post a sign in your yard saying "Tresspassers will be SHOT"... sit in your house with an open window and light up the dogs rear end when he decides to pop a squat on your lawn. This is legal as the dog is trespassing and the owner is allowing it to. I did it for my neighbors dog who first was pooping in my yard as he was trained too, and then once I stopped that by retraining him with my paintball gun he would bark all night keeping my 7 month old baby up. then i started peppering his bottom with the paintball gun and two nights later he quit his barking also. I like dogs and I liked this dog also, but I have my priorities like a clean yard and a good nights sleep. FYI my neigbor is a COP also.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This could possibly be the longest thread in history! Thank goodness for a place to vent and for the great ideas (going to try hot pepper and citrus). Would love to hear if any suggestions helped you since it's been 5 years!

    Woke up at 2:30a this morning. Couldn't sleep. Thinking about all the dog poop that's been showing up on our brand new landscaped front garden. I normally have a buddhist like nature, but MAN is this bringing up every evil thought I have. I found this thread, and what a relief! I'm not alone. There are other's completely pissed off at all these irresponsible dog owner's and venting. Whew hooo!!

    To share a bit, as much as I love our new garden, I feel like a complete ass for putting money into beautifying our home and community when people just let their dogs s**t all over it!. Our front garden is newly lanscaped with wood chips, trees and new grass. Obviously bad choices. Seems dogs LOVE to s**t on wood chips and new grass and their owners are very happy to let them.

    The way we are finding the excrement is even less pleasant. Since the bark is dark, you can't see the poop til you are close. My children, being the normal children that they are, run around the front garden, through the bark and grass. This used to be fine, until the poop started showing up. Now their play ends with dog poop on their shoes. And, of course, once they step in it, they tell mommy who gets to do the wonderful job of cleaning up after some ignorant owner's animal and buying new shoes when the stentch is so bad.

    Desperate for something, I was going to make a sign that said "YOUR MOM DOESN'T LIVE HERE, PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE AND CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR OWN DOG." That was after I had more evil thoughts of signs with shotguns (this coming from a liberal, buddhist, non-gun trotting chick). I ended up buying two more "neighborly" signs last night (with little pooping dogs and a big red line through them). To say the least, I'm not very happy with this new addition to the garden, so I'm hoping the signs work fast and I can take them out. I'm also going to try standing out front and talking to pet owner's. I'm assuming it's the same people everyday, so just need to catch them and talk.

    And, if the pooping doesn't stop, last resort: catch the culprit (owner) on film and drop his little love bundles crap pack on his doorstep.

    Keep sending new ideas!!

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I live next to an 8- apt. building. I came home at lunch one day about 2- months ago to find the neighbor closest to me in my yard with her large dog letting it poop. I confronted her and told her I did not want her doing this in my yard. They have their own grass but she was bringing her dog in my yard while I was at work. I did not have anymore problems until about 2- weeks ago and now they are not bringing their dog over they are letting it come on it's own. I went to leave for work yesterday morning and their he was squatted and ready to leave me his left overs. I chased him out. I have been cleaning poop for the last 2- weeks and had just cleaned the night before this and had to clean about 5 more piles yesterday morning.
    I called the city and county and filed reports. They should get visits this week by both. I am told that if they do not take care of this that they will start fining them. I hope this takes care of it.
    I did find a remedy for cats. This last summer I laid sand to set up a pool and the cats were using it for a litter box. I sprinkled cajin pepper in the sand and never had a problem all summer.
    I am going to see if I can find a remedy for this also. I hope the warnings from the city and county work.
    I think it is so rude, if I wanted to clean up dog poop I would own my own.
    This woman did not think their was anything wrong with coming into my yard and bringing her dog to poop.
    Why is it that people with dogs think it is ok and if you say anything they think you are an animal hater. They have no respect for people that just don't want to take care of animals so choose not to have any. They although can live in a small apt. and have a huge dog and that is not an animal hater. I question that??? if they like the animal they would have it somewhere to roam.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This worked for us. We got one of those water guns that shoot a long way, can't remember what they are called, but my grandkids had one. We put ammonia in it with a little water. When they squat the little boys try to hit them in the rear. Believe me it doesn't take many times of this and we don't see them anymore.

  • 17 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    One of the best things you can do is to get photographic or video evidence. Once this is in hand, print up the photographs and/or burn the video onto a DVD and send it, certified mail, to the person's landlord.

    Most landlords strive to stay on the good side of the neighborhood and will do everything in their power to rectify the situation, up to and including eviction.

    If this doesn't work, call your local police department and obtain a trespass warning against the neighbor, providing law enforcement with the photographic evidence as proof. That way, next time you catch the individual on your property and present it, the neighbor will be guilty of violating the trespass warning.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    given the number of nut jobs loose in this country today, the only safe way to handle any situation like this is via some authority. that can be a homeowers association or the local (police, animal control, city ordance enforcers, etc). talking to each other seems to have gone out of fashion these days.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    my son has a bb gun and i shot the neighbors dog on the heiny cuz he always comes over here and leaves his surprises, and he stopped for a long time. now he started back up. so now i got a paintball gun for my son and i to play with. i'll shoot him again and he'll leave again for a while. maybe for a very long while!! i like the dog just not the poo!! and not him in my yard!! i love animals by the way :')) so i just want to stun him. and one of my friends said cayenne pepper works really well! i guess if you leave the powder down then they'll sniff and then yuck!! and when they poo it'll really burn so if they don't get it at one end they will at another end.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a good idea that not only makes your yard cleaner, but makes the world a more peaceful place. Go visit your neighbors with a bottle of wine or a six pack of beer one evening (pick a beautiful one). After you've talked a bit, tell them that you are still having a problem with poop in the yard and, while you APPRECIATE their picking it up every once in a while, you really do not want to call in a complaint because YOU LIKE THEM and so you have come up with a solution that might be agreeable to all.

    You are going to propose two solutions: the first one they probably won't like which will make the second one easier to swallow.

    The solution you propose first will cost them money every time the dog poops - and it's one you may not really like either because you might still have 'leftovers'! Tell them that every morning, one of them or their kids has to come over and pick it up. If they haven't come by noon, you get to have a service come by that picks it up, at their expense. They will have to set up an account with the service. Tell them the service will call them to tell them they are coming - if they go pick it up right then, the service will not come and no expense is incurred. 'The service' can simply be a friend or family member of yours, if you want! These folks won't incur a fee (because they have control over it), you won't have to collect anything (poop or money), their kids will learn how to pick up poop everyday. Tell them that if that doesn't work (or if they don't like it), you DO know a trainer (most can do this, but call and arrange it first) who can teach the dog to poop in a certain area - obviously an area in THEIR yard. Perhaps they can also buy you some cayenne pepper (like the person mentions above) so you can help with the training by sprinkling it around where the dog likes to poop and other places. The dog will be getting negative feedback from sniffing around your yard, and positive feedback from pooping in his yard (treats, praise, love and play).

    Keep inviting them over for a beer or some wine every once in a while when you are hanging out in your beautiful yard - it's a small price to pay for peace! Plus, you'll get to know more things that you like about them!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We have new neighbors with 2 large dogs. they are renting the (small) house and have 2 guys, 2 girls, and the 2 large dogs. At first one guy would walk his dog and let it go wherever without picking it up. All our neighbors pick up after their dogs so everyone knew it was the new people.

    Soon thereafter, someone picked up one of the piles and left it in their walkway with a note that said "Please pick up after your dog, it's the law". I was happy someone did it and was suprised to find out it wasn't a dog owner but someone who witnessed it.
    After that, they stopped walking the dogs (sad for the dogs)... until last night - one of them left a large pile on my lawn! Unfortunately we were extremely angered by this and in our anger, picked up the poo in a bag and tossed the bag over onto their walkway. No one was home at the time.

    I can't believe what happened next. One of the people living there tossed the bag BACK onto OUR LAWN! So, now I just don't know what to do! I really hope it doesn't become hostile here because we love our neighborhood. I just can't imagine they thought it wasn't their dog, because they put the bag back on the property where the dog went! Like if it really wasn't their dog they would think, 'wow, who put this poo here'? But since they KNEW their dog went on OUR lawn, they threw the bag back here figuring we retaliated to begin with.

    Does anyone have a suggestion? I don't want to have trouble. The other thing is that the person walking the dog when it went on our lawn was one of the girls...the guys always walk the dogs and never the girls so maybe they don't know the girl let it happen. But I still go back to my original thought which is how would they know where the bag came from if the dog didn't go here in the first place?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Get a camera, and record the tenant letting the dog poop on the law. You can setup a webcam facing out your window and record it onto a hard drive. I know I did this to catch my neighbors. I would have to let it record for 10 hours/day and then review it in triple speed to find the moment they did it.

    Once you obtain this evidence either A) Print up still shot photos of this or B) burn the few minutes you caught of the neighbor bringing the dog to your yard to do its business.

    Once you have this evidence find out who the landlord is by looking it up at the county property tax appraiser and then mail the dvd and/or photos to the landlord.

    Landlord typically want to maintain good relationships with the community and will make sure the situation is rectified or they will evict the tenant.

    That is the BEST thing to do.

    Good Luck!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the advice, I have already started the process of finding out the landlord's information. My husband sort of wants to make peace and tell them that he was only trying to communicate to pick up after their dog, and maybe this would help the tension we are expecting. I feel this would come off as an apology, and that we should not have to apologize for delivering to them the doo their dog deposited here on our side of the street.
    I mean, we do feel immature and that it was wrong to bag the poo and toss it to their walkway, but it is hard to justify that they are not wrong either. And the fact that they threw it back here!
    I have been thinking that maybe they have a camera and that is how they so swiftly responded in our direction. I really just don't want trouble, and I don't want to kiss their you-know-whats either!
    The landlord tried renting that house for over a year. Before that it was empty and for sale for over 2 years. The reason is because no one rents here in our neighborhood, the only houses that are rented are generally summer homes. This one is an anomaly so that is probably why we were "blessed" with such fabulous renter neighbors. I feel that no matter what we turn up that landlord probably won't evict them since he has been so desperate to rent that house.

    Either way I would love footage of them allowing the dog to relive itself on my lawn. Then I could justify any action I take!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    got lawn sprinklers?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We moved in a new community several years back and had the same problem as others regarding dog business. It is a huge problem and most people that allow their dogs to do such a thing you can't convince otherwise. I always tried to avoid conflict as it would just make the matter worse. Our community would not allow fences in the front yard so the next best thing was to plant barbarry bushes because they have nice sharp thorns. I bought cheap little white metal fencing for the first season to protect the bushes and from then on, never had a problem. I have always enjoyed watering my grass and have found squirting a few dogs before they could squat or cock a leg a little extra bonus in keeping the lawn nice. Also ammonia in a spray bottle - use the mist setting - will keep dogs away.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Try this "recipe" for Rabbit Repellent my mother got off of a gardening show several years ago. Be forewarned though, it stinks! Mix it outside in a disposable container.

    8 oz. Murphy's Oil Soap
    4 oz. Castor Oil
    5 oz. hot sauce
    1 shot glass size Urine (the soaked beads from inside of a baby's diaper worked well for us)

    We used it once. It got rid of rabbits, cats, dogs, and people!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My next door neighbor was letting his dog poop around my mailbox, which is next to the road. One day when I saw the neighbor working in his front lawn I greeted him like a good neighbor. I told him I was having a problem with dogs pooping around my mailbox and I was puzzled as to what to do to stop it. I told him that I didn't want to put any poison down around the area as I didn't want to harm the dogs. I told him that I was thinking about sprinkling pepper all around the mailbox to prevent this. Well, the next day I didn't see any fresh poop around the mailbox, nor the day after, nor the day after that.....and so on. I never did put any pepper down around the mailbox, but it solved the problem. I never mentioned this topic again with my neighbor.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am having a similar issue--except it involves a stray cat. We live on the edge of town, but there's no animal control and I'm at my wits' end trying to figure out how to get the stupid cats to stop using my planting beds (and sometimes my garage :mad:) as a litter box!! I'd shoot the darn things if I wouldn't get into some serious trouble for it--as it is, I've been seriously considering a BB gun just for this purpose.

    So far I've tried catching them in the act, red pepper, hot sauce, and after reading this I'm thinking about some antifreeze. Actually, I'm going to borrow my BIL's live trap to see if I can lure them in (doubtful) and then take them somewhere else to shoot them. They are just feral cats and a nuisance to the neighborhood, don't see how shooting them will be too upsetting for anyone...Just sucks because it's going to take several trips to get all of the cats.

    Anyone have any better solutions? I'm open to suggestions.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    ksfarm_girl Have you tried leaving bars of Zest (or other strong smelling bar soap) where the cat does his business? If you have a repeat offender, the smell should distract them.

    Also, planting aromatic plants like marigolds should help. Of course, if its in the middle of the lawn, marigolds are hard to do.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The dogs in my neighborhood bark constantly and they poop on my lawn. As a Vietnam Vet, I am not tolorable of too much B.S. Anyway, I've yelled and screemed for the last time. I bought a BB rifle with a scope, and not only shot the dog, but the owner too! I go up to the second floor and shoot at them before they reach my house. This way they'll think someone else is mad at them too.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can relate to you all. I have enjoyed reading these posts, and have been amused by some of them too. Great ideas. I am going to try the urine suggestion. I live in the mountains where we are under cover of snow all winter. The snow began melting and like "50" piles of poop started appearing in my yard. The neighbors two dogs have been using my yard all winter to do their business. I have seen them in the act, and they have a direct trail from their house to mine. The guy lets them out and then turns his head and pretends he doesn't see them shi**ng in my yard! I politely asked my neighbor to come over and pick up the mess. She sent her son who got maybe 3 of the piles. I asked her again, and again, and they are still there. I can't even walk in my yard. Not only does my neighbors 2 dogs sh*t all over my yard, the one is a 24/7 barker. I just today ordered the automatic bark response tool that sends out a high pitched signal in response to the bark. Will see how that works (crossing fingers)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Found this forum searching on google. Same story my neighbors' dogs(2 of them) are both lead by their owner into my yard(they are not on leshes). The owner like supervises them or watches out for them while the crap in my yard, if I go outside she will call them into their backyard.

    Yesterday I tracked the crap into my house after stepping in it. Im so furious. Today I catch both the dogs doing their business in my yard again (it's a daily event)while the lady watches and makes sure I don't catch them in the act. Well I busted out my camera opened the door and acted like I was taking pictures(memory was full , Argh) she quickly calls them into her backyard.

    I had it with these neighbors. They have thrown trash bags in my backyard in the past which had their junk mail in it that had their address on it, I yelled at them for that. They don't speak english at least when I was yelling at them they didn't. So here is what I plan on doing . I bought some powder laxative and I plan on cooking some meat and mixing it with the powder and leaving it in MY yard(my private property) . I already ordered the laxative. Hopefully their dogs will spray crap all in their house and hopefully the dogs will fill sick too.

    Sorry for my rant. Hope it makes sense. I get so mad about this even while posting this. I can't talk to these people as they don't speak english and they don't care. They actually seem to be teaching their dogs how to crap in my yard. This is driving me insane. My elderly mother thinks I am overreacting but she never had this problem. She thinks I should try to make nice with them and I would maybe consider this if the dogs were getting out on their own but they are not. They are being taught to do this.

    As long as I keep the laxative flavored meat on my side of the yard, then fault is on the dog owner who lets their dogs get on other people's property to begin with. Plus the lady watches the dogs so she will see the dogs eat the meat and after it sprays crap all in their house she hopefully won't be so encouraged to let her dogs in my yard.

    PS; These dogs are barkers too, I plan on getting barking deter device like the poster above me.

    Again sorry for the rant. Will post updates if anything unfolds in this story.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I tried this and it worked! It looked funny for a couple of days but the offender got the picture...

    Here is a link that might be useful: Dog Poo In My Yard Sign

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Get a cam corder and take pictures of dog coming into your yard and then call animal control. Put up no trespassing signs and call police if dog or neighbor comes onto your property. Go to a lawyer and have warning letter sent to neighbor. Put up barbed wire fence on your side of 15 foot piece of yard you share w/neighbor. Go to magistrates court w/documentation of dog pooping on your property and charge neighbors with destruction of property and trespassing.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes folks, it happens all over the world!!

    Problem for me is that I can't catch the animal, presumably dog. I have stayed awake for hours and I rise at 5am but still no luck. I assume the owner lets the dog wander unleased because the deposits are sometimes only a metre from my front door. And ALWAYS left overnight.

    I have tried many expensive deterrents and recently, a whole bottle of citronella - for the record it doesn't work!

    What god damn dog can stand the smell of citronella!!!

    There must be something that works - please help.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We just bought our first house last spring. All of the people in the neighborhood seem nice, but our next door neighbors have an australian shepherd and golden retriever that have s**t in my yard from day one.

    Well, after months of flinging poo back into the neighbor's yard, I was approached by the neighbor who gave me some sob story ab how picking up the poo is hard with their work schedule. I say "Fine, as long as your trying to pick up".

    Now winter is coming to an end, and we had our first big snow melt. I counted about 25 dog turds, not bad for a winters worth, but certainly more than I am willing to handle. I am back to flinging poo again; but this time it's moist from the melt, and the neighbor's siding is my canvas.

    I definitely feel your pain of having an ignorant neighbor. I thought the best thing to do would be talk, but after reading these posts I am not so sure.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The first time we saw poop we ignored it and we saw who's dog it was but just ignored it. It ruined our grass that spot got dried no grass. Today I saw more poop. It really got me upset. Was it the same dog or another dog. My husband thinks people walk their dog and let's them do it where ever. Defintely will put a trap. My kids go out there to play. I don't even have a dog to be picking up someone elses crap. My husband was so upset he said he 'll by a pellet gun.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's not the dog's fault they are looking elsewhere to poop. They were probably scolded not to poop at home base, but only shown it was okay to poop next door. PLEASE don't hurt the animal (the dog) with poisons or BB gun, etc. The local animal cops can help. Are you that frustrated? Do the dog a favor and put out a call for help to re-home the animal. Pay for it if you have to. You make sure the dog gets a nice home with good owners, no poop in you yard (well not from this happy dog. and next door probably won't notice it's gone. They probably think good riddance as it was "so-n-so's dog that was dumped on me!". it's a win-win for everyone.
    P.S. Check if any children are involved next door. It may be just a case of no training for the child on animal husbandry. Be nice and offer assistance to train the young pet owner how to care for them. Or at least show them how to pick up the "euu!" and it's ok to drop it in your trash if the other is too far.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't understand how dog owners feel like they have earned the privelage and right to have their dogs do their business on someone elses property. Even if they pick up after the deed is done, I don't approve of anyone letting their pets go on my property nor do I approve if they take their animal for a walk several blocks from their own home and "pick" my property to have their dog take a dump. it's thoughtless, inconsiderate, unsanitary, damaging to foliage and landscaping,.. and the list goes on. I am continueously "chasing" people that walk their gorgeous animals and then have them take a pit stop on my lawn or schrubs. Don't get me wrong,.. I ask each of these folks politely to not let their animals on my yard,.. and suggest they take them to their own yard to have them do the duty that is due. They frequently remind me that they will pick up afterwards, etc. but, I don't care,... there is still residue left,.. the lawn, bulbs, foliage is poisened, and there is always some damage left. Often times the dog digs up afterwards, etc. So, bottom line dog owners should exercise their respect for other peoples property and have their pets evacuate their requirements on their own lawn, bushes, driveways, walkways, flowers, and bushes, etc. Unfortunately I have now asked some of the same folks several times and on a few occasions they became vicious with me,... making me feel like I am the one that's the a_ _ h _ _ . I love animals, dogs in particular however, something needs to be done on the local, as well as broader level. Bottom line,.. have the dogs take a dump on their own property,.. then take them for that much needed and enjoyed walk. Many neighbors will appreicate this and dog owners will be better liked neihbors at the same time.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know this is an old post, I also found it googling this topic... I guess my issue is reversed-but need some guidance on how to solve this problem.
    I have a Mastiff mix terrier that is 1 year old.. I have even been complimented by neighbors saying that I prob the only person that have always seen picking up after my dog-in which I reply that that's what we all should do-I personally have a 5 year old neice that comes every weekend and plays outside and don't want her stepping in my dogs poop.
    Anyways-the ratio of dogs in this community is very high-I think that 1out of every 3 homes has atleast 1 dog-most are those little lap dogs and most have atleast 2... A RENTER just moved into the house across the street and seems to hate dogs-I saw them almost kill a stray cat 1 night and I interfered.. Now ever since then it's like I asked for it. He is constantly watching me and every chance he gets he tells me to make sure my dog doesn't pee or poop on his rental property-I tell him that he doesn't and always show him the bag-but he doesn't care! Ive never seen him say anything to the little dog owners and thru my window I always see all the those dogs go on his property! I thunk it's because my dog is big he can see it but I'm sick of being accused of something my dog hasn't done-especially because I'm make it a point to clean up after him! I've tried walking him in other areas-but to get there I have to pass this house and I always have my bag in sight! What can I do since I feel like I'm the one being harrassed now! It's not fair to be a dog owner that is good about it to be pinned or treated a certain way because other people dont care! Most dog owners do pick up after their dogs!

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    what happened I have no idea which one of our neighbours dos is poop in our lawn close to the house and smell bad.
    Don't know how to fix it. Some dogs owner is bad like their dogs.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    As a dog owner I would like to give the other side of this story. I have NEVER left a dog poop in ANYONE'S yard in the 2 years I have owned my toy poodle.... yes toy poodle with poop the size of a mini tootsie roll. She is trained to do her business in MY yard but I take her for frequent short walks in the neighborhood. There are no sidewalks and we have to walk on hot pavement (I live in Florida) but she is allowed to walk on the borders of the grass.. by the way the first 10 feet or so actually belongs to the city. I am always prepared with bags for the slight chance she may do the deed on someone else's (actually the city's) property. I cannot tell you how many times I have been verbally accosted/abused by people as I simply walk by their house. I know there are some dog owners who are very irresponsible in this regard, but please people be sure you are yelling at the right person, not just someone who is walking by your house with a leashed dog and 4 plastic bags hanging out of every pocket!!!
    I realize this is displaced anger on the part of these psychos, but it is unnerving just the same. Just to let you folks know, there is another side to this.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've got drunken inconsiderate neighbors who get hammered in their front yards while letting their kids run around unsupervised and their behemouth dogs unleashed. The drunks don't care as long as the beer and music lasts untill 4 am. Their kids are learning to be drunks from the best instructors. I have decided that hotdogs with ipecac or exlax will be the only resolve. I like the bacon grease idea though. Any other ideas on decorating their houses?

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I live on a curving/corner lot. Something about this is just too tempting for indecent dog owners.

    I realized that it was time to get on my war footing when my kid and another child spotted droppings only about 15 feet from my house, a full 40-50 feet from the curb - disgusting. Just let your pet pull you into a place where HE feels comfortable. Don't exercise any judgment at all.

    So, rather than to waste my time trying to communicate with people who have already proven where they stand, I decided to communicate directly with the pet.

    First, I inspect my yard every day or so for droppings. I scoop the droppings and place them directly into the curb nearest the spot.

    I found all of the commercial pet repellents, but, ruled them out, since at $15 a pop, you'd spend hundreds a year, since all it takes is a fresh rain to eliminate them.

    I did some research on pepper and found the hottest pepper power, habanero, is rated 300,000 on the same scale where jalapeno is rated 7,500. I got a pound for $20. So far, it's lasted me several months. I place it, obviously, around the base of my mailbox. I also sprinkle it well on each of the deposits I place on the curb, as well as in the spot where I find the deposit. Occasionally, I also spread chili peppers near the 'hot spots'. In the fall, they look a lot like the leaves, so the owners won't see them, but, the dogs won't have the restraint to avoid them. That'll give them a memory that they won't appreciate.

    My droppings have reduced quite a bit, but, not entirely. But, almost immediately, one of the nearby neighbors was seen with gloves and a bag, the same neighbor whose son, call him suspect #2, I had caught in the act earlier. The corrected impression is being made.

    I know that I also have to identify the owners and get a good idea of when this occurs. People like schedules.

    I purchased a wildlife camera that triggers on body motion and heat(infra-red). For a one-time expense, I can move the camera from location to location (belted on a tree trunk). I placed it in the middle of the night so that neighbors, one of whom is nearby and a suspect, wouldn't notice my deployment. I received over 100 photos in my first overnight exposure. 8 photos were exactly what I was seeking. My very first examination of the photos showed a primary suspect, I'll call him suspect #1, walking with his dog about TEN FEET into my yard inside of the curb, and carrying no gloves or bag. I will target a note to this house with details of what the boy was wearing on the day photographed (they won't see a photo, because, they don't need to know where my camera is located), and to let them know that even if he didn't do it today, I will catch him when he does and I will return it to their door. I'll have one question - why have you not properly raised your son to respect other people's property. This is the same boy I once found 40' away from a curb, into my yard, with his dog, next to my fence, letting his dog peek at the in-home dog I once had who was out briefly. So, this one boy is SUSPECT #! for more than one reason, over a considerable period of time. Fortunately, I also have photos of another dog walker that was exercising respect, obviously carrying a plastic bag and gloves as he walked.

    My camera will be my eyes that I don't have with a time/date stamp and will all of the identifying information I need.

  • 13 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Neighbors drop their bombs all over my lawn all the time and there's nothing I can do about it. The great part is I don't even own a pet because I hate poop! As a result I have severe anxiety and panic attacks. I hope they all die. The owners I mean.

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A very old post and the originator has probably moved, but what surprises me is that people are just venting. I came here looking for viable solutions. I got: moth balls, urine, red pepper flakes and a soap and urine mixture. I will try a couple, but will go back to googling for help.

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Lookup the Yard Sentinel. Works well and is probably the best on the market. No more doggy droppings in the mower. The best part about it is that it works on rodents and birds too. The European starlings were driving me nuts. And no more voles destroying my lawn.

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gotta say, I am frustrated beyond belief with this whole "thank you for planting toilets for my dogs" thing. I have had to plant and replant and I'm over it. My husband and I have both tried talking and eventually yelling at the neighbors over this and yet here I sit with a ruined lovely globe arborvitae that I planted five years ago and have been chasing dogs off of for five years.

    I just ordered a really mean looking set of Echinocereus triglochidiatus cacti with some wicked looking spikes on it to replace the arborvitae. I'm done yelling. Cacti don't mind dog pee and I'm hoping the dogs don't mind the cactus spikes.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Echinocereus triglochidiatus White Sands

  • 12 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Not to be overly self promoting, I want to share a book I published recently on this very topic it's entitle:

    "My Neighbor's Dog is Pooing in my Yard. Now What? 101 Ways to get your Yard and Dignity Back". You can find it here:

    Here is a link that might be useful: Book on Neighbor's Dog is Pooping in my Yard

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    I have been dealing with this for years now. It's one neighbor in particular that I have a problem with. I have put a note in her mailbox but she continues to let her dogs pee and poop around my mailbox. If we are outside or if the garage is open she walks them on the other side of the street. Problem is I have a clear view of my front yard from my kitchen window. This is where I was standing fixing lunch today when her dog peed on one of my russian sage plants around the mailbox while she continued to stroll down the leash on the dog.

    We live in a neighborhood where most of the houses sit on at least 3/4 acre. We have 1.5 acres. So everyone has more than enough room for their animals. Unfortunately, EVERYONE with a pet allows them to roam freely around the neighborhood. The other animals are not usually a problem but this woman has trained her animals to use certain spots as their bathroom. We took out our old wooden post mailbox and replaced it with a plastic one because after years of being peed in daily, the area just stunk. I also removed the old dirt and started a new garden around the mailbox. The activity has dropped drastically since I did that. I actually thought my new garden had a chance until what I saw today.

    After reading this thread, I just went out and sprinkled red pepper flakes around the perimeter and rinsed off the plant that was offended. I was not planning to plant much else there but I've also decided to plant some barberry bushes around the perimeter as a deterrent. I planted some juniper bushes around the mailbox with the hope that they will protect my mailbox once they fill in.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Peppercorns work well as a scent deterrent and take a while to break down.Srinkle them around the lawn and garden beds. This is the only thing that has worked for me without constantly reapplying.

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have had problems similar, call the city office, there should be regulations, especially due to it being a health hazard. Given enough warnings or complaints, the city should do something about it, especially since most cities require dogs be on a lead or caged outdoors.

  • 9 years ago

    Old thread but still a very good read. I am still trying to deal "nicely but effectively" with stray and walked dogs urinating on my lawns and gardens in the front yard and causing damage to new plants, burning shrubs, spots on the lawn, tree trunk damage, etc. I have a weekly landscaping service so anything I do has to be manageable and maintainable by the landscape crew. It's a terrible problem that so many people do not take responsibility for their animals in this way.

    I'm a former dog owner, so with the shoe on the other foot so to speak, I found a way to keep my walked dog from being the one to damage and trespass on others' property. I was often complimented on my dog's behavior as we took our walks (along with a sigh and a wish that other dog walkers would adopt something similar).

    I took my dog (neutered male) on daily walks. Always on leash. It did take me a bit of time and perseverance, but I taught my dog to do his business (both poop and pee) ONLY in the gutter along the sidewalk. He was allowed to sniff and "check out" anything he could reach on leash, but "business" was only for the gutter.

    This made it easy to bag the poop, and runoff (rain, sprinklers, etc.) takes care of diluting and washing away urine down to the storm drain. Kids generally avoid playing in gutters anyway, and parked cars tend to keep tires out of the gutter so as not to impede drainage.

    If you are able to train your dog to behave on leash, you can train him/her to do this too. Of course, if you are still reading this you are already a responsible dog owner and have probably found your own solution to not damaging nearby property with your dog's urine and feces. Hats off to you.

  • 7 years ago

    New neighbors moved next door a few months ago. How I miss the old neighbors who were so nice. This one has a dog and we have a written rule all dogs must be on leashes at all times even in your own yard. ( we have lot rent) After several times of picking up poop from their dog which they let out the door to run and it runs right in my yard and does its business and they don't pick it up I told her about it. She appologized and said it wouldnt happen again. Well, guess what, it constantly happens This last time I raked it into their driveway. Their home is also overgrown with weeds and grass at least 2 ft high all around their home. Nothing but low class pigs. Our manager does nothing about anything and constantly complains about being overworked. If I can find something to put on the lawn on the side where it goes to burn the dog's feet I will do it. I hate punishing the dog for its owner being an ignorant idiot but now that it is summer I go outside and smell their dog's poop and I am tired of it. I am now seriously thinking of putting my home up for sale because I can't take any of this anymore

  • 7 years ago

    That is a shame. A simple letter from the mobile home park should do the trick, you would think. Maybe you could ask the manager to add the problem about the dog pooping in your yard if she writes them a letter about their lawn or other problems? Are they renting their home or did they buy? If they are renters, chances are they will be gone soon enough.

    You can consider getting one of the critter water spray deterrents and setting it up so that the dog sets it off if it crosses over onto your lawn. Just be careful to set it so that it does not spray anybody on their side of the property line.

  • 7 years ago

    I like the idea of the scarecrow. One big dose of sprinkler water ought to do the job.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I have lazy neighbors who have been allowing their two dogs to run freely and poop in my yard. It used to be an empty lot so I kind of get it but sorry, someone lives here now. After 3 years of going out to yell at the dogs or to actually chase them off (when I see them) and shovelling poop back to their yard the damn dogs still come over. I thought when dogs smell the poop they learn thats's where to poop? I must have sent 40 to 50 piles back to their side. The best part was just the other day either someone also returned them a present, in their driveway, or ome of their dogs actually pooped in the middle of their driveway. Karma is a b!tch.

    Anyway, dog deterrents DO NOT WORK so do not suggest them. Pellets were a waste of $$, ultrasonic repeller did nothing. I'm not wasting any more effort or $$ on solutions that don't work. And I'm not calling animal control. Range wars only make living in your neighborhood stressful. I want to come home to a castle, not to a war. We get along otherwise so why make things stressful? I'm not talking to them, either. They are already aware of the problem and really, I shouldn't have to ask you to clean up after your dog. Why are we all so entiltled to our rights over everyone elses's anymore? There is absolutely no respect left in this world which I think is really the crux of the matter. You can't ask anyone to do anything that they think infringes their rights. Uh sorry, but we didn't fight two world wars and countless others so it would be acceptable for you to be lazy and let your dogs poop all over.

    I'm done playing the game. I'm fencing the entire side yard on that side now, probably close to 200 feet. Enough is enough. No one else on the street of large yards has a fence out front so that part of it will stand out. But it's the only thing that will work. I know it's not an option for everyone but it is for me and I have no issues with the look of a beautiful 3 rail white vinyl fence with wire mesh running down the side. And landscaping the inside of the fence line will be fun! I will do the right thing and let them know I am doing it(no setback here so it's only fair to warn them). And when they ask why......problem solved.

    I'm sure the dogs will start going on the other side now; it will be interesting to see how that neighbor, who has 3 small children, swallows that pill.