Baring any total disaster of my back, and even if that happens, I figure having the swap at my house is better than my traveling somewhere else for one. So here is the info I've come up with.
Please, any suggestions are welcome. Remember that WITH OR WITHOUT PLANTS TO SWAP, PLEASE COME AND GIVE ALL OF OUR SEEDLINGS, THAT I'M SURE WE WILL HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF A NEW HOME. Bring seedlings, plants, seeds. Annuals, perennials, houseplants (just thought of that one), freshly dug up perennials, seedlings you just started. They are all welcome.
I've taken the liberty of deciding on a date already, as experience from last year showed to start early and hope the weather will cooperate, if not, I have a rain date. It really wouldn't be fun to do this in the pouring rain like we had last year early in the month of June.
DATE: June 3, 2006. the first Sat in June.
RAIN DATE: June 10, 2006
TIME TO START: 10 am and we will go till we decide it's time to go home. LOL I'm already home.
LOCATION: Billerica, MA.
I will e-mail directions to those that want to come directly
about a week before the swap.
I really want to keep this as simple and friendly as possible. No big formal thing.
So, I have a big and I mean big long driveway that can be used to pull in and unload all your stuff, then pull out and park on the street, which is a dead end and walk back to the house.
Pick a spot in the side or front of the house to set up all your plants. I have a carport to put any that really need all shade and sun wouldn't be good for them.
When we think everyone is here that we expect to come, we can introduce ourselves, tell what we have in plants and then just swap with each other. I FEEL THAT THOSE WITH NO PLANTS TO SWAP WITH SHOULD HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE HOME WHAT THEY WOULD LIKE TOO. So unless prior arrangements for swaps where made with someone coming, everyone can just start taking plants.
Be sure to bring boxes or something to bring your plants and stuff home with. Based on last years swap, you will no doupt need lots of boxes, etc. to bring stuff home in.
All of my plants will be winter sown seeds. I expect to have tons of extra seedlings to send home with everyone, both annuals and perennials.
A good idea for those that are new to this is to make sure that your plants are labeled with their name, and such info as height, sun requirements etc. if possible. I will try to have some print out info on mine and will have some seed catalogs we can look things up in as well.
I have some chairs, about 10 we can use, so it may be a good idea to bring some if you want to sit.
Last year many of us brought some drinks and food goodies with us to Maries to share. Seems like everyone brought something. plates, napkins, cups, coffee, bagels, cream cheese, popsicles because it was so hot, ice water, coolers. I think there was a fruit bowl, cookies, brownies etc.
I have a couple of coolers and we can use the tables that I brought to Marie's too.
Oh, yes, someone brought alot of name tags and a sharpie so we could right our names and GW name on them and Dewiff had a digital camera and she took some great picks.
Must warn you though, my house is a disaster on the outside and a mess on the inside. Will try and straighten as best I can. My lawn is pretty much non existent, but since I found winter sowing, that disaster of a lawn looks good to me. Easier to dig up and make new flower beds. Looks better and cheaper than the expense of a beautiful lawn. Yup, I got beautiful flowers and horrible lawn, so will make me some more flower beds and have less of a horrible lawn.
I should be able to have some forsythia cuttings for anyone who wants some. Easy to root and beautiful if they are kept under control. Is it you Greening who hates them?
OK, there's the basic info, so everyone, let's get the ball rolling and join in. who's coming from last year and who is knew? I warn all that if my WS seedlings are like last year I will have well over 50 seedlings that will need new homes.
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