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HAVE: info for boston area spring plant swap

18 years ago

Baring any total disaster of my back, and even if that happens, I figure having the swap at my house is better than my traveling somewhere else for one. So here is the info I've come up with.

Please, any suggestions are welcome. Remember that WITH OR WITHOUT PLANTS TO SWAP, PLEASE COME AND GIVE ALL OF OUR SEEDLINGS, THAT I'M SURE WE WILL HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF A NEW HOME. Bring seedlings, plants, seeds. Annuals, perennials, houseplants (just thought of that one), freshly dug up perennials, seedlings you just started. They are all welcome.

I've taken the liberty of deciding on a date already, as experience from last year showed to start early and hope the weather will cooperate, if not, I have a rain date. It really wouldn't be fun to do this in the pouring rain like we had last year early in the month of June.

DATE: June 3, 2006. the first Sat in June.

RAIN DATE: June 10, 2006

TIME TO START: 10 am and we will go till we decide it's time to go home. LOL I'm already home.

LOCATION: Billerica, MA.

I will e-mail directions to those that want to come directly

about a week before the swap.


I really want to keep this as simple and friendly as possible. No big formal thing.

So, I have a big and I mean big long driveway that can be used to pull in and unload all your stuff, then pull out and park on the street, which is a dead end and walk back to the house.

Pick a spot in the side or front of the house to set up all your plants. I have a carport to put any that really need all shade and sun wouldn't be good for them.

When we think everyone is here that we expect to come, we can introduce ourselves, tell what we have in plants and then just swap with each other. I FEEL THAT THOSE WITH NO PLANTS TO SWAP WITH SHOULD HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE HOME WHAT THEY WOULD LIKE TOO. So unless prior arrangements for swaps where made with someone coming, everyone can just start taking plants.

Be sure to bring boxes or something to bring your plants and stuff home with. Based on last years swap, you will no doupt need lots of boxes, etc. to bring stuff home in.

All of my plants will be winter sown seeds. I expect to have tons of extra seedlings to send home with everyone, both annuals and perennials.

A good idea for those that are new to this is to make sure that your plants are labeled with their name, and such info as height, sun requirements etc. if possible. I will try to have some print out info on mine and will have some seed catalogs we can look things up in as well.

I have some chairs, about 10 we can use, so it may be a good idea to bring some if you want to sit.

Last year many of us brought some drinks and food goodies with us to Maries to share. Seems like everyone brought something. plates, napkins, cups, coffee, bagels, cream cheese, popsicles because it was so hot, ice water, coolers. I think there was a fruit bowl, cookies, brownies etc.

I have a couple of coolers and we can use the tables that I brought to Marie's too.

Oh, yes, someone brought alot of name tags and a sharpie so we could right our names and GW name on them and Dewiff had a digital camera and she took some great picks.

Must warn you though, my house is a disaster on the outside and a mess on the inside. Will try and straighten as best I can. My lawn is pretty much non existent, but since I found winter sowing, that disaster of a lawn looks good to me. Easier to dig up and make new flower beds. Looks better and cheaper than the expense of a beautiful lawn. Yup, I got beautiful flowers and horrible lawn, so will make me some more flower beds and have less of a horrible lawn.

I should be able to have some forsythia cuttings for anyone who wants some. Easy to root and beautiful if they are kept under control. Is it you Greening who hates them?

OK, there's the basic info, so everyone, let's get the ball rolling and join in. who's coming from last year and who is knew? I warn all that if my WS seedlings are like last year I will have well over 50 seedlings that will need new homes.


Comments (62)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Please add me to your list of prospective attendees, I may also bring a friend. I've been out of touch with the forums for a year or so and want to connect/reconnect with like minds. I'm not sure what I'll have to swap (there must be something out of control) but will bake some goodies (my other avocation). Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just found out that I won't be travelling in early June, so even though it's because I'm missing a cruise out of Hawaii, I'm happy!

    I have a few teeny shrubs started, and don't know if it's better to keep them growing on until the fall swap, or just bring them now. Some are only a few inches tall, I guess I'll hang on to those and see how big they are in October.

    Once the perennials are really up, I'll post my list here.

    Can't wait to see you all!

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    HAVE: important info on date change for boston area plant swap


    Comments (4)
    Looks like I'm not going to be able to make the new time. However, Mai has kindly offered to pick up some plants for me, if there are leftovers, if that is OK with you. (depending of course on space in her car) Stuff I would like: HOSTA! (from Chelone and anyone with extras) tiger lilies (from Greening) white dianthus (littleonefb) iris forsythia bleeding heart dwarf snaps (littleonefb) lobelia (littleonefb) actually, littleonefb, all of your little ws seedlings look like things I'd love, if they're potted in little pots and if mai has the space you can pretty much give me several of each....:-) I hope this is OK with you. i'm really sad to be missing the swap, but rehearsals come first.... Have a great time!!!!!!!!
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    spring swap boston area


    Comments (36)
    Hm...new to this. Was able to post my first post to GW earlier but this one didn't seem to take so will try again. I would love to come to the swap ~ my first! I haven't gardened much in the last few years since I'm a renter, had moved and was disinclined to do so at the new triple decker since the neighbor's 2 massive dogs created a urine dead zone in the small front yard. I was able to still enjoy tending to a small 2x8 patch below my bedroom windows on the most rudimentary level. This year I decided to build a raised 4x4 bed since it seems the yard isn't a priority for the landlord and I plan to have some veggies there so had started some seeds including brandywine, purple tomatillo, chiltepin peppers, jalapenos, and seeds of a vine mom passed my way but they're all too leggy to pass on to anyone so they will have a chance to survive in the perennial bed just because I don't want to compost them after how hard they tried. On a good note, I do have some "Autumn Joy" sedum and as soon as the rain ceases and the soil dries I will definitely divide and deliver! I could only bring 3 but if I come home without them and instead with a new to me flower or veggie that would be great. Thanks Fran for volunteering to hold a swap and even more so to being so welcoming to complete strangers who want to share! Best of luck with the back!
    ...See More

    Greater Boston area Spring swap - Part 2


    Comments (112)
    Hi all! Posting a bit late, but it's been a busy day! I'm exhausted from working all afternoon and evening, mowing, sweeping, raking, digging a last few plants...also lugging all these plants over to the side yard. I worked until it was too dark to see, and at this point, not much more is going to get done and the gardens are what they are. The weather looks like it will be partly cloudy, humid, and hot tomorrow. If the sun doesn't come out in the AM, the temperature may stay moderate, which would be good. At least they're not predicting rain for the morning! Ejr, I hope you can make it tomorrow. It would be great to see you! One of the reasons the swap thread is started a month or so before is to give people a chance to pre-arrange swaps and organize their plants. I potted a lot of stuff, over time and did it while dividing or planting out anyway. No way I could have done it all just a few days beforehand. And I hope that no one feels uncomfortable or intimidated about what is essentially a bunch of plants...and I'm telling myself that too, because hosting the swap is a little intimidating!! Well at least there are a lot of blooms in the garden this time of year, although they're a bit water-logged at the moment. The Miss Kim Lilac is in full bloom and smells heavenly, but is drooping from the weight of the water. Here's what she looked like 3 days ago, before the rain: And today:
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    Billerica/Boston Area Spring Swap info DETAILS


    Comments (1)
    Meant to post this on the exchange page. Use the link below and post there. Sorry about the mistake Fran Here is a link that might be useful: Boston Area Spring Swap info DETAILS
    ...See More
  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    keighty, keep reading the post for more info and your friend is more than welcome, goodies sound great and welcome back to GW.

    diggingthedirt, glad you glad that you aren't going on that cruise so you can join us.

    I'm not sure what WS seedlings I'll have for the swap and won't know till May, as the seeds are just germinating now and still have tons of annuals that will be going out in the next 2 weeks. I will have plenty, should say tons of seedlings potted up by then, both annuals and perennials, vines as well. If it's anything like last year, the list will be too long to post, but the variety will be extensive.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone and keep on posting here with questions, seedlings you're looking for or have as the time gets closer.

    And please keep your fingers crossed for no rain, no humidity and no really hot temps on June 3. I know, that's asking a lot for crazy NE weather, but it doesn't hurt to ask, pray, keep our fingers crossed and anything else you want to do to help us get good weather.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Fran, sorry! you're out of luck on the German iris. It's not the right time of year to dig and divide them. I'd be willing to bet, though, that some of what you think may be dead is actually alive. German iris are really tough! the less attention and fussing they get, the better they seem to like it!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Chelone, what iris did you bring to Marie's last spring.
    I was sure the iris I brought home with me came from you. I wasn't at the fall swap, so didn't bring any home from you then. It's the ones from the spring that I wanted.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I may have yanked some of the overgrown rhizomes of the German iris out as a measure of control, but I'm thinkin' it was more likely Siberian iris... long thin foliage, rather than the fat, pretzil-like rhizomes of GS.

    Dunno. But there won't be any "pretzils" this time around... besides, if you blew it with them last time what makes you think I'd give you MORE?! ;)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can't remember what the leaves or the rhizomes looked like but the flower was yellow and purple and really pretty.
    Now you have me curious as to which type of iris they where.
    I didn't blow it with the iris, the chipmunks kept digging them up and really enjoyed the rhizome of one of them. Skunks liked them too. My neighbor came home one evening and found a skunk enjoying one of the rhizomes on her driveway.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd love to come to the swap. But... I've just moved to a new house and don't have much overflow yet other than some lillies of the valley. Very keen on joining up if that seems like enough to contribute. Future years.... more overflow! Please add me to the list if it's still manageable. Sounds like a great time.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    HUZZAH! I just moved back home to New England (grew up in Vermont, lived 11 years in Boston-ish, gone 16 years and now in Somerville). I'd love to come, and I'd love if I could car pool with someone coming from Cambridge/Somerville/Arlington/Medford sorts of areas.

    I was a member of GardenWeb, and gave all my houseplants and a lot of various bits of my yard to friends before I left. So I am a plant-pauper! But I am so glad to be around for a swap this spring!

    Shava Nerad

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh! I'm definitely in. I went to Marie's swap last year and it was so much fun. I learned a lot. I won't have too terribly much to bring, but I'll make some cutting of my perennial herbs + parsley and bring some hosta, forsythia, and perhaps some daylilies. And I'll bake something yummy. I'm still at the point that I'll take lily of the valley and most other flowers such as iris...

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome lisard, mulchie and welcome back Shava. No problems with not much to bring, or if you have lots. I'll
    take care of the "plant paupers" and time. I WS close to 350 different containers, with about 200 different kinds of seeds. So far have 70% germination and will have tons of extra seedlings for the taking. I also have another 250 annuals that will go out in the next week or so. Those will be morning glory, nasturtium, sweet pea, jasmine and a few others. There will be tons for those who want them.
    Keep posting here about the swap.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I am so bummed the time and dates of both this swap and the NH one are the same. So I will have to pass this year. To the person who needed Vinca,e-mail me directly and I will pot some up.We can make other arrangements to get it to you. I can drop it off a day early if the host does not mind. Otherwise you can swing by here and I will leave it out for you.
    I hope the fall swap dates are different. Thank you all.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Is anyone interested in trying Crambe cordifolia? It's a tough plant to site, as it gets huge and the leaves are magnets for slugs and insects.

    I think I've got 2 potted divisions of this from when I transplanted it last fall. I'm asking about it in advance because I'd prefer to bring them only if someone actually wants them, after having a chance to think about whether they really have a spot for this monster perennial. It takes a *lot* of room and has some definite drawbacks.


    If there are no takers, I'll offer these to local gardening friends.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can't wait to come to the spring swap. I'm one of the plant-paupers right now. looking forward to meeting all these friendly folk and begin beautifying my garden. see you in june! jardinista

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'd love to come - never been to a swap before and right now I'm not sure what I could bring (although have today noticed a heap of lupine seedlings emerging, and some tiger lilies that need thinning) so please count me in.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Britgardener,
    You're more than welcome to come to the swap. Those lupine seedlings sound wonderful if you want to dig some up to bring to the swap. I know several people that will love to have them.
    Sheesh, sorry you won't be making the swap, maybe next year we will see you.

    How is everyone's seedlings doing? I've got tons of them growing and will be potting them up for the swap.
    Anyone have a list yet of what they are or might be bringing?


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    - tiger lilies (not daylilies, these are Lilium)
    - 2 red miniature roses
    - probably lupines & OP marigolds via the Chicken Whisperer bf ;)
    - seeds, please take away my seeds!
    - rosemary (email me if you're interested so I can start cuttings) & dill
    - native honeysuckle 'John Clayton', yellow, hardy, noninvasive, no scent but very pretty (email me so I can start cuttings)
    - some perennial seedlings which won't bloom until next year (Shasta daisy 'Silver Princess' is one)

    - mildew resistant border phlox
    - liatris
    - cleome
    - sweet alyssum
    - honeysuckle 'Goldflame'
    - lavender
    - Canterbury bells
    - pleasant surprises

    For perennials I'm looking for, a 3" tip cutting or two, taken that morning and wrapped in damp newspaper, would be fantastic, if anybody feels inspired. :)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm interested. Dont know what I'll have in the way of seedlings--all my wintersowns are still only millimeters tall. I'm hoping they'll wake up and take off sometime soon! But with the next week only being in the 50s I doubt it.

    I do still have tons of seeds, I'll bring my seed boxes...

    Tiger lilies, Greening? Are they the orange ones with brown spots? please please please!!!!!!

    And Chelone, those unspecified hostas would be great--we've been clearing out poison ivy under our pines and I'd love to put in something attractive there and under my lilacs.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Further on the swap: As things emerge (and I take the trouble to identify them!) here are some possibilities. Please send me an email if you are interested or I may let them sit another year and bring fewer than I might should I know there's definite interest.

    - Kerria, double yellow. Really a glory. The mother plant towers up to about 14' and that's with near-criminal neglect over the years.
    -- Calycanthus sweetbush. very fragrant. Odd growth habit. Funky but lovable.
    --- prunus x cistena, purple leaf sand cherry
    ---- lillies of the valley (and lots of em)

    I'm VERY keen on hearing from anyone who could spare a variegated solomon seal or two or Japanese anemonie.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm interested coming too. Have never been to a swap. Don't have a lot to divide.... aster mongolica (a sweet, white button aster) and lots of orange daylilies. ;-D Possibly some Jacob's ladder. Did someone want some Autumn Joy sedum? Yellow violets, anyone???

    My small lawn is a wreck also, as I only pay attention to the garden beds, small as they are.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I never even heard of such a thing but it sounds like fun.

    I do have lots of flowers and veggies. I dont think I can put another plant into the garden. but giving some away would be great and make some room.

    if this works out I will grow a bunch of seeds out for next years give away.

    I hope I have time to come up. I know it will be a blast just meeting all the crazy gardeners like me.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cjsmith, my WS seedlings are tiny too. bachelor buttons, godetia, california poppies, toadflax and dianthis look good, the rest will hopefully get some true leaves in the next 2 weeks. Still have seeds that haven't come up. Now hope that they won't drown out in the next week since it's supposed to rain from today through next tuesday. I figure that they should be fine to pot up with just one set of true leaves. We aren't pros just the home gardeners and if the seedlings make it from a swap fine, and if they don't, well I won't complain and sure no one else will. This is new england weather we are dealing with. It will be fun to just get together. don't worry about how tiny they are, no one elses are going to be any bigger.

    Mulchie, I don't have any of what you're looking for, but someone else sure might, looking forward to meeting you.

    Judyefed, you're more than welcome to join us. Yes Autumn Joy is wanted. I want some and at least 3 others are looking for several Autumn joy plants. Glad to know I'm not the only one who ignores the lawn. Too much expense and time wasted for green grass that turns brown and ugly in the summer. Rather time, energy effort on the plants that put on a beautiful show all spring, summer and fall.
    I'd suggest making a list of what you want or have to divide and posting the list before digging up and seeing if anyone is interested. I'd hate to see you dig alot up and then have to bring it home and put it back. come with or without plants.

    Organic nut, A plant swap is fun. we get together with plants to swap and/or give away that we have grown from seed or divided from our yards. We have light snacks, coffee, tonic, water etc to munch on and just talk and learn from each other on different plants. It's a great way to get new plants for your own yard, divide and give away extra plants you already have and just plain give away all the extras that you've started from seed. I'll have tons of plants just to give away. As you said, if you divide what you have, it makes room for more. This gets addicting for us too.
    Hope you have time to come join us and bring some plants that you divided so you can make room for more.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    cjsmith, yes, the orange kind with black "freckles". They're so pretty and they bloom a long time... but the lily leaf beetle chows through them like anything! I controlled them last year by going out every morning and beetle-squishing, and that worked fine and let the lilies bloom happily, but ewww. And I'm not a big fan of spraying. So I'm trying to have fewer lilies. Just a warning!

    Fran's concerned that her lily leaf beetles will find my plants if I bring them to the swap, but IIRC you live reasonably near me... drop me an email if you want these, and I could drop them off. There's about 5-6 plants, nothing huge. They're very healthy and no beetles yet.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Lily Leaf Beetle FAQ

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Violets are the same as viola, right? I'd love some yellow ones....

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I will have some monarda "rasberry wine", some chocolate eupatorium, some helianthus "santa fe" (?), some white achillea -- all of which self-seeded quite a bit (warning to those who plant!) -- and maybe some heuchera divisions. I may also have 1 or 2 centranthus ruber starts. I may also pot up a pretty, low, variegated sedum that I really enjoy. I have tons of "ditch" lilies, too. Would anyone want them? They certainly do colonize rapidly.... If I find a good replacement shrub, I may also have 2 pink flamingo colored evergreen azaleas. Pretty, but I find the color a little challenging.
    I am looking for gaura, epimedium, hellebores, coreopsis sweet dreams and/or coreopsis rosea, vany interesting non-magenta cranesbill, lots of tiarella, a low maroon sedum groundcover, if there is such a thing, and...???anything else interesting!
    My siberian iris from Chelone last fall are thriving, but I think I lost my verbena bonariensis from DtD. I wonder if some of my mysteries are her platycodon from last fall?
    I have just one concern: my in-laws will have just arrived a few days earlier from India. Not sure how they'll feel about my disappearing for several hours....

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mayalena, just show up with a bottle of wine for them and say, "Whew, you've no idea how many stores I had to go to to get this..." *G*

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    if anyone has any of these hostas, i would love to swap for pieces!:
    (or any other strong blues or blue variegateds)
    That's not too many, is it??!!!
    best, mindy

    (I would also love seedlings of:Purple Castor bean, blue morning glory and red or pale yellow sunflowers. In the perennials world,i'd love: medium blue Iris Cristata,Yellow leaved Lamb's ear, Gillenia, Red Astrantia, and Tradescantia Bilberry Ice and Osprey.)

    I'll likely bring: Lysimachia numularia aurea, Tovara, Polygonum Bistorta Superbum, Cryptotaenia jap. atropurp;ass. Geraniums, Lysimachia atropurp.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dont worry about lost verbena bonariensis, there will be many at the swap again! I lost some that I'd potted up in fall, but the new seedlings just keep coming.

    I will also try potting gaura. Recently dug out many, ones that bloomed last year that had not yet leafed out. I potted them, but few survived that little operation. I'll try potting seedlings instead, I should have several hunderd if the little ones don't object to the process the way the big ones did. But, they'll be tiny, so don't be disappointed!

    The only hellebores I'd probably have will be H. foetidus, which have self-seeded with great abandon. If I can get some decent potting soil (recent purchases have been awful!) I'll try getting some into pots for anyone who wants that type. Sorry to say H. orientals doesn't self sow as sucessfully as H. foetidus. It's got its own charm, but is not to everyone's taste.

    Also will have some young caryopteris - that's been pretty prolific this year.

    Can't wait!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't had much time to dig and divide (with all the rain 'n' all) but have some stuff:

    Ornamental grass (Miscanthus, can no longer read the variety on the very old tag). Big, rugged, very pretty!

    Hosta (unknown variety from a very old Portsmouth home); I have TONS of this.

    Iris sibirica

    There will be some other things, too... depends on when the rain stops and the ground dries out.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Have been unable to pot up any WS seedlings yet because of all this rain. It's supposed to stop sometime this week, then after things dry out a little will have a better idea of what I will have for the swap.
    So far the following:
    Bachelor buttons mixed double colors
    some perennial dianthis
    annual white dianthis. from WS seeds, no nothing about
    perennial poppies, not sure which ones yet
    california poppies, not sure of all, purple gleam is one
    several kinds of zinnias
    a couple of columbine
    some toadflax
    some godetia
    a couple of potted up bush pussywillow plants
    fresh dug white lily of the valley
    forsythia cuttings, will cut fresh day of swap
    lots of morning glory, japanese ones too, not sure if I will have any blue ones yet, but didn't WS any common plain blue.
    I have 2 sedum I am digging out, large plants that flop over instead of standing upright. No matter how I prune them they still flop. will pot them up for the taking.

    I'll have plenty more for sure, just need some dry weather to get out there and and get things potted up.

    See, I'm not asking for a miracle now, otherwise known as the sun, just asking for the rain to stop and dry weather.
    It has to happen sometime doesn't it?

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am newbie and don't have much to offer as plants. Do we only swap plants? I might have nothing much to bring except creeping phylox. Can I still come to the swap. THis sounds interesting and I have never been to a swap before.
    Billerica is not too far for me.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Prats,
    Your more than welcome to come with or without plants. I will have plenty of seedlings for the taking as will others, and there will be people who will be swapping plants.
    creeping phlox sounds good to me to bring.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If creeping phlox is the low flowering groundcover type phlox, I'd love some :-)

    I also dont have much to bring, I'll be bringing primarily seeds and probably something in the donut world....

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you very much. I will try and be there.
    If I do make it I plan on bringing couple of living things :-) and few non-living surprises.

    Thanks again.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi, I am a new poster here on GW, although I've been lurking for about a year!

    I would love to come to the swap also, but I don't have a lot to bring. My garden is in it's 3rd year, and a lot of the perennials are only 1 or 2 years old and just starting to fill out.

    I have some tall-bearded iris that are bicolor white and lemon yellow (variety is about 40 years old), and a division from a peony that is deep pink and fragrant, also about 40 years old. I brought these plants from my previous house, and they were planted by the original owner there, so that's how I know that they are older varieties.

    I also have a small peace lily houseplant that I'd like to get rid of (already have two larger peace lilies). And I could pot up a lemon balm seedling if anyone wanted it.

    Gardenweb is great and I hope to make it to the swap and meet some other gardeners!

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Terrene,
    Welcome to GW and you're more than welcome to come to the swap. I'm sure there will be several people who would love your tall bearded bicolor iris. I would love some of them and your small peace lily.
    I will have tons of seedlings that I just want to give away, so there will be plenty to fill up your yard.

    I just posted a new thread on this site with more info about the swap. check it out.

    Hope to see you at the swap


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Posted this thread today. Please check it out.



  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Fran, thank you for the welcome. I will email you per the instructions on the other thread.

    I feel badly about not having more to bring, but I know I will have more to get rid of in the future. The iris and peony were extra from some transplanting I did last fall. This coming fall I can be sure to make extra divisions of things people might want at the fall swap!

    I am testing out the links and photos and stuff - hopefully you can click on the link below and see a photo of the irises???

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    terrene, those are some lovely irises! I'd love even one or two-- I'll bet they'll go really fast.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Greening is right, they are just beautiful. I'd love one or 2 myself and I know a few others, besides Greening, who would love some too. I'd bring as many as you have to spare, they won't last long.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi greening and littleonefb, I potted up the irises into 5 1-gallon pots, so I will label 2 for you guys and whoever wants the rest is welcome.

    I would dig up even more, because it's a big patch, but the irises are just starting to bud and I don't want to wreck any of the blooms!

    I might be out of town on the swap rain date, so if the June 3rd date gets rained out I may not be there, but I will save these babies till the fall swap or people could pick them up if they want them before then. :)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That sounds great, I know 2 others who would want the iris too and I would love the small peace lily.

    Okay, I spent the past few days potting up WS seedlings that where large enough to pot. So far I have 175 and believe me when I say that I will have at least another 175 to go with the first.
    So far I have the following ready for the swap

    rose campion, tons of these
    rose campion angels blush
    lobelia crystal palace
    hungarian poppy
    blue lupin, don't know what seeds where from a trade
    toad flax mixed colors
    california poppy white linen
    california poppy purple gleam
    blue thimble gilia
    bachelor buttons mixed doubles
    alpine poppy
    snapdragon magic carpet
    snapdragon gumdrop
    snapdragon mixed dwarf
    poppy angel's choir
    poppy lauren's grape
    poppy red unknown kind from traded seeds
    Poppy best king of queens

    Will be potting a ton more over the next week


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi all.
    Anyone have any solomon's seal to spare? The variegated or dwarf forms would be especially welcome. Any running tiarella? Any echinacea?
    Fran -- your annuals sound glorious!
    I think what I am bringing is posted above. I'll see what else I can scrounge up to share.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Because of circumstances beyond my control I can NOW attend.

    I have one or more of each plant.

    Tree lilac seedlings. The seeds were collected from a beautiful tree, and sown in 2004, they germinated last fall (05) and wintered over just fine. potted up a month ago.

    Potentilla, seeds originated in Siberia, low cushion, 4-5" tall, slow growing, white flowers that looks like a small strawberry blossoms. They have never been watered in 15 years, so I think there fairly drought tolerant. 4-5 plants

    hosta and perennials

    several very rare trees, and a few shrubs. herbs,

    I can bring plant labels, or what ever else is needed? Please advise!


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Because of circumstances beyond my control, I now CAN'T attend.

    I'm really sorry to miss this event, I was looking forward to meeting more NE forum folks! And I especially apologise to anyone who wanted verbena bonariensis, perovskia, caryopteris, crambe cordifolia, or gaura seedlings, or whatever else I've got ready to go.

    If anyone is coming to the cape, please email me if you'd like any of these, otherwise I'll find homes among gardening pals around here.

    Have a great time (I know you will!)

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sorry to hear you won't be joining us. Hope things are well for you and maybe next year you will be able to join us.


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Marie aka idabean asked me to post the following for her.
    She was having problems posting this afternoon when the site was having server problems

    Autumn Joy
    Monarda Raspberry Wine
    azaela 'stewartsonia' really bright glowing red
    geranium 'biviko'....i think. some nice small prennial geranium
    Misc. other items

    I would like:
    alchemilla, alchemilla, alchemilla
    that little strawberry leaved ground cover var. "Lipstick"
    daylilies (not orange ditchlilies)

    Marie aka Idabean

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have been offline for a long time and so glad I check in today, otherwise I would have missed out on this big event. Count me in Fran, I'm coming too.

    I really enjoyed the last two swaps we had at Marie's place. It was so much fun, but we really missed you at the Fall swap. Looking forward to this weekend. I have to check to see what I can bring and will post my HAVE list tomorrow.

  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I only have a few things but thought I'd post them.

    Snow on the Mountain (aegopodium)
    Variegated Miscanthus
    Sweet Woodruff
    Coreopsis Tickseed
    variegated Solomons seal (for mulchie)
    and two varieties of noname

    I'm interested in iris and day lilies (all types/colors), poppies, lupines, mayapple, to name a few.

    Also if anyone has cocozelle squash, peppers (hot and/or sweet), heirloom tomatoes (San Marzano sounds great - I love good cooking).


  • 18 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago




    Now, I've finished potting up all the seedlings, hundreds of them from WS, here is the list.

    rose campion
    lychnis angel's blush
    assorted dward snapdragons
    assorted cosmos
    california poppy purple gleam and white
    annual poppies
    perennial poppies
    morning glory
    4 0'clocks
    assorted bachelor buttons
    mixed toadflax
    lobelia crystal palace
    lobelia trailing saphire
    lupins, blue and cherry red
    gazania mixed colors
    baslam impatiens
    nasturtium jewel mix
    sweet alyssum
    tall alyssum
    nicotiana alata
    probably some I missed righting down

    Also have 2 large sedum, unknown variety that look really beautiful to start then they flop over and the center is bare. will dig out if anyone wants them.

    a very small hosta I have to dig out.

    plenty of lily of the valley I can dig out. spreading into my flower bed

    I believe they are bright purple siberian iris, again spreading into my flower bed. Not sure it's the right time to dig them out, but they have been here for 26 years, planted by the prior owners. Can dig them out if anyone wants some. especially the ones in the flower bed.

    forsythia branches, all you want that I can cut fresh.

    3 potted up pussywillow bushes that may or may not root.

    A friend just left with me the following and she will be here at the swap.

    fresh dug up chives,
    black eyed susan
    bleeding heart
    vinca minor

    And a neighbor will be coming with vegetable seedlings.


    Looking forward to seeing everyone there.


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