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Rutabegas and Turnips

Couple of questions on these two crops.

Turnips, we have been growing Haikuri Turnips and selling them 6 or 7 a bunch for $2.00.

We have some Haikuri, but people have been asking about Purple top turnips. We planted Purple Crown and some of the biggest ones are close to ready. We ate 4 last night that weighted 1.5 pounds total. What prices have you been getting. I am planning on selling them by the pound without greens. The greens were damaged pretty bad by caterpillars. I was thinking about $1 a pound

A new crop to me. I planted them at the same time as the turnips, but they aren't even bulbing up. They were planted in early August. Will they keep growing as the temps get colder and frosts come? I was hoping to get them for our winter markets in November and December. The leaves were damaged from caterpillars, but the new leaves are fine.

The caterpillars were so bad this fall that the farmer around us had his soybeans aerial sprayed. I tried to Bt spray everything several times,it helped but there were just so many of them!


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