MAGTAG 2008 - A Resounding Success!
I have to say that I had a wonderful time at yesterday's event. For once, the weather cooperated, although every now an then it had to remind us who was boss by blowing plates off the tables.
First, this year's Top Ten:
1) Black Cherry, grown by Greg F.
2) Cherokee Green, grown by Greg F.
3) White Currant, grown by Greg F.
4) Emily, grown by Greg F.
5) Sungold, grown by Greg F.
6) Cherokee Purple, grown by Greg F.
7) Box Car Willie, grown by B. H. (please identify yourself!)
8) Super Snow White, grown by Mary (Manure Queen)
9) Momentado, grown by Mary (Manure Queen)
10) Kosovo, grown by Greg F.
Notice a pattern here? Greg even won for Largest Tomato - his monster-size Emily weighed in at 31.7 oz.
Now, I couldn't for the life of me taste any difference between Greg's Sungolds and Black Cherries and my own. Since Greg devised this year's rating system, I believe it was rigged!
Actually, the penny system of rating was MUCH easier than anything we've tried so far. No calculating necessary. I suggest we try it again next year.
Some random notes, in no particular order:
The prize for the person who came the longest distance goes to Ann (Honu), who came all the way from Hawaii! Of course, she flew to D.C. on business and stopped by, but still, that's a long way. She treated us all to chocolate-covered macadamia nuts. I rewarded her with a container of Old Bay seasoning, the signature spice mix of Baltimore.
The longest actual drive was probably by Donna Marie and her friend Liz, who came down from NJ. Liz, I hope you don't mind me mentioning that your photos of the fest are up on Webshots. To view them, follow the lin at the bottom of the page. When the link opens up, go to page 2 at bottom for link to pics and video!
Rob Kasper, food writer for the Baltimore Sun and tomato fanatic, came for a visit, although he didn't bring any of the Prudens Purples he bragged about to me by email. Probably ate 'em all. His critic's choice was Kellogg's Breakfast, grown (of course) by the Michael Phelps of MAGTAG, Greg F.
Speaking of local newspapers, Lynn T. made the recipe that won the Washington Post's Top Tomato Recipe Contest for 2008, 'Mato Sammidges, by Mary Joe Sweeney of Crownsville, MD. Although the recipe called for ripe tomatoes, Lynn also used unripe ones, and they were equally delicious.
Lynn also had the smarts to take all the leftover cut-up tomatoes and leftover bacon from the BLT bar to cook up into a sauce. I'll bet her kitchen smelled great last night!
Those of us who stayed late also got to take home leftover tomatoes, of which there were plenty - mainly because Kim (Bluekat) left behind a bumper crop. Thanks so much, Kim!
I'm not much of a beer drinker, but as much as I hate to mention Greg F. again, folks had good things to say about his homebrew. My brother Joe, who actually lived in Belgium, really enjoyed Greg's Belgian ale.
Thanks to everybody who helped out - especially our Grillmeisters, my DH Dave Wright and Greg Menke.
See you all next year for MAGTAG 2009!
Here is a link that might be useful: Liz's MAGTAG photos

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