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MAGTAG 2007 is a month away!

17 years ago

NOW I'm getting nervous. Time to refine some of our plans and figure out who's bringing what (besides tomatoes, of course).

Despite my successful 36.2 lb weight loss, I will handle the BLT bar, as I did last year. I may need some help with extra tomatoes (Greg?) since I'm not sure what my harvest will be like by that point. Things have not been going that great, with the drought. Thank goodness we got some rain last night in my neighborhood. I'll see if I can convince DH (Dave) to man the grill again.

I also have plenty of party plates, cups, napkins, utensils, etc. from various "cooking club" events I've been involved in over the past year. We'll probably need more plastic plates for the actual tomato varieties (and lots of Sharpies!)

I will bring some vino for those of us who aren't teetotalers but aren't into homebrew, either.

Kim - whose Olena Ukrainian won the prize for largest tomato last year - emailed me a while ago and asked whether we should try the method of judging used by the South East Tomato Fest folks - they have a really nice scorecard that Morgan Feldon created it in Adobe Illustrator, that he said we can edit for MAGTAG. I've saved the file in PDF format in case anybody would like to view it - just email me.

OK, so what other brilliant ideas does everybody have, and what do you plan to bring along this year (besides tomatoes)?

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