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magtag vii tomato fest!

12 years ago

March means the beginning of serious planning for the seventh annual Mid-Atlantic Gardeners' Tomoto Appreciation Gathering (MAGTAG) planning. As you've probably noticed, I've been MIA from the forums all winter, mainly because of medical issues (none serious) and musical projects (including the Burlesque shows that were mentioned at last year's festival).

Anyway, If nobody has any objections (or better ideas), I'm ready to send in an application to SW Area Park in Baltimore for a pavilion for this year's festival. Please check your calendars and see what Saturdays in August are best for you. Note that my Dad will be 90 this year and he plans to celebrate at MAGTAG! (fingers crossed).

I'm thinking about a MAGTAG Facebook page ... would this make things easier for people or just more confusing, since we're already on GardenWeb and and T0mat0ville?

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