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Zone 5a and 4b Hardy Japanese Maple Cultivars

10 years ago

This past winter should be a good indicator as to what Japanese Maples are hardy to zone 5a and 4b.

Please share images, age of plant, soil type and exposure.

My soil is mainly sandy loam, majority is extremely fast draining. Soil ph is between 7.0 and 7.3.

Elevation is 1,100

Acer shirasawanum 'Yasemin'
4 years old, planted 2 years ago, northeast exposure but out in the open. Quite a bit of dieback but filled in nicely

Acer shirasawanum 'Kawaii'
3 years old, planted 2 years ago, northeast exposure but out in the open. No dieback but completely submerged in snow most of the winter.

Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon'
3 years old, planted 2 years ago, northeast exposure blocked from south and west winter sun. No dieback but completely submerged in snow most of the winter.

Acer shirasawanum 'Bashful'
3 years old, planted 2 years ago, northeast exposure blocked from south and west winter sun. No dieback but completely submerged in snow most of the winter.

Acer palmatum 'Orion'
6 years old, planted 3 years ago, northeast exposure and exposed to south winter sun. Significant dieback but has filled out quite nicely. Barely submerged in snow.

Acer palmatum 'Emperor 1'
9 to 10 years old, planted 4 years ago, northeast exposure blocked from most south and all west winter sun. NO dieback and never submerged in snow.

Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind
5 years old, planted 2 years ago, northeast exposure and exposed to most south and west winter sun. Limited dieback and never submerged in snow.

A few cultivars I lost over the years, even mild winters. I'll try to get a complete list.

Bloodgood (2x), Adriane, Corona Pygmy, Mikawa yatsubusa, Lima Gold, Emperor 1, Fireglow, Caperci Dwarf, Sharp's Pygmy, Red Dragon, Tamukeyama

Red Dawn, Bashful, Green Snowflake

This post was edited by whaas on Sun, Jun 22, 14 at 8:13

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