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Winter squash questions

I have grown a few winter squash (Acorn, Butternut, Spaghetti) in the past, just enough for our families. This year I am increasing production to try to have winter squash for the fall and store them for winter sales.

I am planning on planting them after I dig my potatoes. I am still planning on doing this, but I got the idea to grow them at my parents farm too. This is about 35 minutes away.

They have some old outdoor pig lots, haven't been used for 10 years or more. Sure there are alot of weeds, but I can use their tractor and disc and make the tillage a breeze. There is water available if I dig up a leak and fix it (yea, that stinks but I have done it before.)

They don't have any fields that are close enough to water to think about using.

I am planning on planting wide rows, wide enough to drive a tractor between the rows. Put in drip irrigation and and probably transplant all the seedlings, maybe direct seed some too.

During the summer, I will be going to their house at least once a week or every two weeks. I was planning on putting a timer on the water and my mom and nephew wouldn't mind just looking them over every couple of days.

Does it sound like a plan that would work? I am planning on cash renting the area and paying for the water and use of the tractor. Haven't agreed on the price.

Any thoughts?


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