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Newbie w/ issues-challenges

16 years ago

I'm probably being totally impractical!

I'm starting a tiny market garden. Probably just a few heirloom tomato plants and 2 or 3 sweet pepper plant varieties, because of the challenges/problems below. I'm guessing I'll sell a few plants, and then later, some tomatoes or peppers. Maybe will grow/sell a few radishes, carrots, beans, herbs, and a very few flowers. My want-to list is WAY big! lol.

Here are the problems:

I'm starting my seed sowing late.

I have little time--to plant, or to be at the market. (a combination of 2 other jobs are "in the way".)

I live in a rent house, and we'll be moving to somewhere else at the end of May-June or July.

My garden will have to be in pots.

Someone just gave me 35-40 packets of that many different Heirloom Tomato Seeds. A good problem to have!

I need your advice on how many of the seeds to sow? Should I aim for a few 6-packs of 5-10 varieties (primarily tomatoes), or a few 18 count trays of 4" pots, or ????

Which size vegie plant sells best at a market? The 4-pack, 6-pack, 18 count tray of 4 inch, or the gallon size? I have TONS of 4 inch pots, some 6-packs, lots of gallons. I have the capacity to WAY over plant my space and time, but I need "enough" to have "something" at the market.

I'm an experienced gardener, but never a market gardener.

Thanks for any help.

susiq in NW AR.

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