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Coffee grounds a squirrel deterrent?

18 years ago

Every spring I plant a ton of oriental lily bulbs -- only to have the squirrels swoop in and gnaw down, chew up, or otherwise destroy most of them. The only ones that live are the few that somehow make it to about 6" tall.

This spring, all 15 I planted in a corner bed came up unmolested. It wasn't that the squirrels were gone; they had a field day with the lilies planted in other beds.

The only thing I did different was spread coffee grounds in the corner bed. (I collect them thru out the year to put in my compost pile; at one point htis winter I came home with two giant garbage bags of pure grounds, no filter or anything, so I thought I'd try spread one bag out as a mulch.)

Could it have been the coffee? Has anyone else tried this?

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