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newbie ? about my hydrangeas

19 years ago

I planted some hydrangea's last year and they grew like crazy! They are about 4' tall this year. I am not sure which kind they are but they have a large leaf and grow upright and stay there on their own.

I have this light green shade, almost turning yellow spreading over many of the leaves and some brown spots. One of the plants seem to have died on the top with the leaves turning brown and falling off, but there is new growth starting below about the first 4". I am not sure what happened to them but I am hoping they are not dying.

We have had alot of rain and hummidity this year and I am wondering if it is a type of fungus.

Should I cut off the dead stalks down to where I see new growth or just leave it along until next year? Should I get something to put on them?

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