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Does your Pinky Winky or Vanilla Strawberry turn reddish-pink ?

13 years ago

I planted both last year. They arrived as bare little sticks, but started growing like gang-busters. Got about 2 ft tall, and both plants put out 4-5 blooms. PURE WHITE. Never a sign of any other color.

I thought, they are young. Give them a year to mature a bit.

This year, they are both a very healthy 3.5 ft tall, and both have about a dozen blooms on each bush. PURE WHITE. No hint even of any reddish-pink.

Am I being impatient? Like they have to go through a pure white stage first--a stage that lasts quite a while--before the bloom picks up some reddish/pink hues?

Or did they send me the wrong plants? Which would be odd since they came from different online nurseries. But I suppose that could happen.

Don't get me wrong--they are both beautiful white paniculatas. It's just that I ordered them cuz I wanted the half-pink/reddish blooms.

What do you think?


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