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brining a butt

16 years ago

I've brined for years, but never a 10 lb pork shoulder picnic roast. 1/2 or more is covered with thick skin and fat. Should I score this so brine can get to meat? I googled for instructions, but could not find anything about scoring meat except when doing the cooking.

Simple brine of 3/4 cup Kosher salt, 1 cup sugar and 1 tbs fresh ground black pepper in 1 gal water. Tomorrow afternoon will put in the smoker for several hours using either apple or pecan wood. I always finish up in the pressure cooker for meat to be pulled and used in burritos. Pressure cook with chicken broth, onions, celery etc. Usually ends up good.

And finally a good use for those crappy enameled 8 and 12 quart stock pots!

So... to score or not to score?


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