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Which hosta did you not expect to like, but now you do?

17 years ago

I ask this, because I purchased a mislabeled hosta, way back in the "beginning" of my hostaholism,

in 2004, tagged "Robert Frost"! It has turned out to be "Sugar and Cream", I believe, (which from

the Library pics. I was not very impressed with) and this year it actually is pretty awesome!

I need to get a photo for you, but it rained last night and I've not ventured out yet!

I am more of a fan of the heavier substanced leaves, which I have learned are more "slug resistant"!

I just prefer not to have to be so vigilant with trying to keep those "buggers" at bay!

I just use the coffee grounds around this one and it seems to help alot! The hosta is happy with

a "caffeine buzz" and the slugs are a nervous wreck, since they don't restrict themselves to "just one cup"! :o)

So, which ones have surprised you?


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