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Philadelphia Flower Show: not a lot of Hoyas

10 years ago

Today was the first day, and I went. First time for me at this show, and even though I knew it was big, I was still surprised at how huge it was! Trying to look at every plant carefully was probably a mistake - my brain was shutting down after a few hours.

Cacti and succulents were very well represented, disproportionately perhaps - both in the exhibitions and among vendors for sale. I am not much of a C&S person, but if you are, consider going if you are in this part of the country.

There was a big number of orchids of all kinds, shapes and sizes - totally amazing.

Hoya display was underwhelming compared to some of these other plant families. It was a table (pictured) with 7-8 large (not huge) to mid-sized plants, plus one or two others elsewhere in the exhibit. NONE were in bud or bloom, which surprised me a lot. I did not think to look for peduncles, and none jumped at me readily. These plants may have all been purely foliage plants and may have never bloomed, which is a shame, I think.

There were a couple Dischidias though - not the most interesting representatives of the family, but one was in bloom.

Among the plants for sale, only ONE vendor had ONE kind of Hoya: small pots of carnosa, Krimson Princess I think. Pathetic, but very representative of the general level of Hoya popularity in the US. When I asked the nice vendor lady if they or anyone else there had other Hoya species for sale, she told me she did not know others existed. :-)

Part of me wants to have a Hoya Society in here to promote and raise awareness and whatnot, but then I think, hey, I have a marginal hobby, which makes for interesting conversations - why not keep it that way! :-)

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