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Basil and Italian Parsley...when to pull?

16 years ago

Please help a city girl transplanted to the desert Southwest with closing down her first herb garden! I have had a very successful first year's garden and now that the weather is turning I am not sure what to do!

I have Genovese Basil and Italian Parsley in my herb garden. It's down to the high 50s at night although it does get into the 80s during the day still (high desert in central AZ) and it's sunny.

I would like the parsley to seed, the plants currently have those green seed pods but they are not dry or anything. Do I just let them go until they die? Will they drop seeds on their own or do I have to harvest them and plant them later? Should I let all of them drop their seeds (I have 10 goodsize plants) or just a couple? What do I do with the others? Can I still harvest leaves from them now that they have flowers?

And as for the basil, I know they are annuals, so when do I need to pull them out for good?

I've also got Greek Oregano, thyme and garlic chives. I know those will come back next year. Do I need to do anything now except continue to water? What about in the winter, do I have to mulch? How does one mulch, anyway?

I also have two huge mints in large urns that are going gangbusters...I know you can't kill the stuff, but should I be doing anything to help it come back next year?

Thanks so much for any help!!

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