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Auction site annoyance- OT

11 years ago

Maybe I'm just crabby today, but this is annoying to me. I'm trying to get a particular flower on an auction site. I put in my Maximum bid. Every couple of days it keeps going up by the same person. There happens to be another same plant by the same seller for sale, too. It closes a day after the auction I bid on. I look at that one. That same person has done the same thing to that auction, also, until they got their name as the hoepful winner(if someone doesn't outbid them). So now, both auctions are high since they wanted to "feel out" the the other persons max was. I get that it's an auction site, but c'mon, really? I find this distasteful. Put what you are willing to pay in, I mean the TOPS if you are on a budget, and if the other person has higher bid in, then you'll just have to wait for an auction price to come down on a relist. Don't keep going back and forth between the 2 to see which one is a few dollars cheaper. Argh. Sorry, I know it can be cut throat, but that's just a little silly.


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