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processing times for jams

16 years ago

I'm falling out of lurk mode . . .

I'm making strawberry jam, (and maybe cherry while I'm at it) and it's been a few years since I made it last. In trying to figure out how long to process.

The NCHFP site and the USDA Home Canning and Preserving books says to process for 5 min. for 1/2 pints and pints. Both say to sterilize jars processed for less than 10 min.

The sure-jell instructions and the ball blue book says to process for 10 min. and I can't find where it specifies the jar size.

So is it 5 min or 10 min? And for what size jar. If I process for 10 min. do I need to sterilize? Or do I just get them hot in the dishwasher (and then fill and process)?

And altitude is less than 1000 feet. :)

Thank-you for your help :)


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