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What are your herb projects this week?

18 years ago

Greetings! It's that time of year that herbalists are getting busy in the gardens. It is tradition that we here at garden web start sharing our projects to give others ideas and inspiration. Here's what I have been up to, and what i shall accomplish in the next few days:

Dandelion cookies! These were a hit with the ladies I shared them with. Nice to go out and pick all the flowers so I knew that wouldn't be flying around later. Link to recipe: Dandelion flower cookies

Lemon Balm galore! I made a gallon of tea, and drank it in a couple days. Sure is cooling and refreshing. I shared some with my new neighbor (a kindered spirit) and made a quart of tincture as well. I have decided to trim every few days, to promote bushiness and prolong the harvest time, keeping the flowers at bay.

My Lavendar virdis is amazing this year. Tons of budding flowers. I will be picking and drying the flowers for potpourri and sleep pillows. What an awesome scent they have.

So what are YOUR projects this week?

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