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Slope full of weeds, need fast growing ground cover/weed control

15 years ago

Hi everyone, I've enjoyed reading the forums. So much useful information.

We moved to this house a few years ago. The former owners allowed all the weeds to go to seed for years. We have a lot of beautiful plants, shrubs and trees and we've slowly been taking care of small areas and trying to get the weeds under control. We have two little ones so we don't have a lot of time to devote to this.

It's time to take care of the slope in our back yard. We have every weed you can think of and most are 3-4 feet high by the end of summer. You may be able to tell from the picture that last year we got as far as laying weed control fabric down but never covered it and the weeds grew through and took over again.

We need a cheap groundcover that will hopefully take care of weeds at the same time.

We have a lot of other ivy in another area of the yard and I was wondering if it would be feasible to transplant a bunch of that to the slope?

Or should I tackle the weeds first? I don't like using things like Round-up so I was going to use agricultural vinegar.

If I do use another weed control fabric, will the ivy grow over it or no? I'm guessing no since I'm not sure where they'd root.

The key is that we need a cheap solution. We don't plan to be here that much longer.

Also, I included a picture of some sort of vine or bush that we have a lot of, I was wondering if anyone can tell me what it is?

Also, we are in PA and the slope is mostly clay covered by a few inches of nicer dirt.

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