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Tips on growing herbs in containers?

18 years ago

This year I have more seeds than I know what to do with. Some like chives, Greek oregano, and English thyme are perennial in my zone, and will get planted in the flower beds once it is safe to put them out (that's after Mother's Day here). The spearmint will have to stay in it's own container even though it is perennial, since it does not play well with others, LOL! My question is regarding the annual herbs cilantro, basil, parsley, sweet marjoram, and dill. I have a couple of rectangular planters, but I'm not sure how close together the plants can be. Do you have to give them as much space as you would in the ground? Can the various herbs be planted in the same container, or will they do better in separate ones?

I'd like to keep some herbs in my kitchen windowsill year round. Should I plan on digging up the perennial herbs in the fall, or start another set of seeds in containers late in the summer to use indoors during the winter months?

Parsley and basil I have grown before, but all of the other herbs I mentioned are new to me, so any advice is appreciated.

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