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heirloom half runner ID?

18 years ago

Back in the mid-70's in south central KY my dad was given a half runner bean that my mom has raised ever since. Now that I have plenty of garden space I want to try it too. Perhaps next year -- if it preforms well in the garden here and I'm able to save ample seed -- I'll use it in trades with other Garden Webbers. But before I start doing that, I want to make sure it's not the same as another bean already out in circulation. I don't want to add to the confusion of names already out there. I'm something of a fig collector, and it seems like every variety has 20 different names, and shares 6 of those with 10 other varieties -- total confusion.

Here's a photo of the bean, "Childers' Half Runner". I've added some other heirlooms alongside for comparison. Of course I know there's hundreds of beans out there and many look similar. But I'm hoping I might get a few replies, like -- "well, it might be x, y, or z, which look kinda like that." Or, "Well, it's certainly not a or b, which are very popular heirlooms that I've grown." Many thanks for all replies!

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