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Pickling safety

12 years ago

I bought a commercially prepared Italian mixed pickled vegetables (mostly cauliflower, carrots, sweet red pepper and celery) and right away thought I could do better, so I looked up pickled cauliflower recipes on the web. There are lots of them. I then turned to the trusty Joy of Cooking for some basic info on canning, and in bold print, the Joy says that the USDA does not recommend preserving cauliflower, among other vegetables, but no reason is given. I figure if the authors of all those pickled cauliflower recipes lived long enough to write up their recipes and post them to forums, it can't be all that dangerous. Is there some special consideration that needs to be given to cauliflower? I know the Joy of Cooking always emphasizes food safety, and that's generally a good thing, but are they being excessively cautious, or are the cauliflower picklers being foolhardy?

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