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Natural Garden concept

Well, I was looking for a forum along the lines of the book "Natural Gardens" or a xeriscaping forum--especially after this spring/summer/fall drought. However, living in the Mid-Atlantic *hopefully* that won't become the norm and I guess most true xeriscape plants are more at home in the low rainfall, low humidity areas in the west.

I have an area along my rural driveway that is a gentle slope. Digging reveals about 4 inches of dirt over gravel--likely the work of the previous owner to cut down on the effects of heavy farm equipment tires on dirt. I planted daffs and daylilies on the slightly steeper slope on the opposite side, but the daylilies were not happy with the drought situation. It was hard to drag the hose out there far from the house and to get enough water down to the roots to make these new plants thrive this year. I need some tough plants.

A number of these ornamental grasses seem to want moist soil. Are there options for grasses that would do well in the environment I am describing? Ideally I'd like a combination of tough perennials and grasses that birds can feed from in the fall and winter. It's all open sun.

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