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WANTED: Washington Twp. Plant Swap Sept. 10 1pm

19 years ago

Garden Friends First Fall Swap.

DATE: Saturday SEPT 10th

Time: 1pm-4pm

Place: Lori's House, Washington, MI.....63975 Dequindre--Washington-Michigan-48095 Bring a snack...brownies, fruit bowl, chip N dip, etc. and your own drink. Also bring a chair for yourself. Bring a table to put your plants on if you wish...otherwise the ground is fine. Shade provided :)

Everyone that brings a door prize will receive one. You can either wrap them up, put them in a bag, or leave them for everyone to see. Door prizes can be anything garden/yard related. We LOVE homemade garden goodies too!

Plants to bring: You can bring any kind of plants that you want, tropicals, perennials, bulbs, houseplants, etc. Please mark your plants with their names.

You may also bring seeds to swap after the plant swap has concluded.


1pm-2pm....arrive, check in and set up, check out plants to swap.

2pm-3:30pm....Round robin type swapping. Door prizes will be awarded during the swap.

3:30pm-4pm....pack up

PLEASE POST OR EMAIL ME AT GARDENBABE@COMCAST.NET IF YOU ARE ABLE TO ATTEND, AND WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE. We would like to get an idea how many people are coming. Everyone is invited. Its much easier to swap without kids, so leave them at home and enjoy an afternoon to yourself with other gardeners. :)

Additional info: Its a good idea to pot up your plants about a month ahead of time so they are nice and healthy looking when the swap arrives.

I look forward to meeting you all!

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