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possible Japanese Beetle deterrent

19 years ago

ladies and gents, I just tried something new against those drasted monster beetles and it - seems - to be helping. Only about an hour's worth of results, so I will keep you posted.

I got traps. The instructions said to be sure and empty them regularly BECAUSE THE BEETLES ARE REPELLED BY THE DEAD BEETLES. So I set my trap bag full of dead beetles in a bucket of water until the water turned brown, and then sprayed the dead beetle juice all over my crepe myrtle. in the last hour I have seen several beetles investigate the crepe myrtle and then head off for the new, clean trap!!!

Keep your fingers crossed. Also I am going to keep a container near my composter for the beetle bags so I can reapply after rain.

yes, chickens like em. so do dogs. can't figure out how to get my terrier into the crepe myrtle. but she likes to follow me around when I knock them off the branches:)

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