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Wimpy Lantana -- What's the deal?

16 years ago

Now THIS is annoying. Lantana is supposed to bloom and spread and just get gi-normous and it always has before in my yard. (I treat it as an annual usually, except for this one nice patch right by our front door which comes back each year beautifully.) But, this year it is NOT working. I have White Lightning (trailing), New Gold (trailing-ish), and Purple (don't know the name, but it is also trailing). They are just wimpy this year. And, it is H-O-T right now, so I don't think that's the problem. They are in poor soil (they've always loved that), they get low-average water (they've always loved that too), and they are mulched (which, frankly, they have never cared about, but the whole bed is mulched so there ya' go).

Anybody got any ideas? I mean, if I can't grow flippin' LANTANA, I think I might have to turn in my shovel and call it a day on my gardening hobby! LOL

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