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How do I get my Gardenia to Bloom...Part 2

16 years ago

Toni, Richie and everyone...

The other posts was getting so long, taking a while to load...I thought I would start a new thread.

Toni, I'm so sorry to hear about the flooding in your area. I hope that things will start getting better and get back to normal soon. We have had some weird and very dangerous weather lately. I hope the worst is behind us. Unfortunately I know you guys are in for the snow weather, and I hope that it won't be a bad winter for you guys...

I hope your plants make it, good luck and take care!

Comments (86)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    my cold is better thanks
    I when to the doctor and got some
    meds for my cold and also
    a flu shot.
    Tampa_Girl Gardenia trees
    are better for planting in the ground here in Tampa and any where their is sandy soils.
    lol@ that site this woman wanting to pull her hair with that plant.
    I think they are hard to take care of but once you understand
    what care they need then it
    will not be as hard to
    take care of.
    I found out the hard way that you
    can lose a gardenia if you over water them lucky everyone here help me save this plant.
    I still fertilize the plants all year long expect if they temps
    goes down to 30 degrees.
    if this happens then I
    hold the fertilizer back for a while.
    Toni as you can see my gardenia got to big way to fast lol.
    I will be posting a new picture just yet become more bushy if this keeps getting bigger then I have get a bigger
    container for it and here I though 12 and half gallons was
    enough space for two years lol.
    Maria: where are you?
    come out and talk lol.
    Hugs to everyone
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi ya Toni
    I am not mad or upset with ya
    my house is being worked on
    and thats the reason for not
    being online until today.
    Toni: thank god that those
    white bugs where not white flies. I spray once a week to control them.
    I read the Suicidal Gardenia postings.
    it has me laughing way to hard.
    LOL Richie you think its funny that
    a woman would pull her hair out over a plant??? well that is what we do
    when we are stressed out or we
    bite over nails LMAO.
    my gardenia has flowered for me yayyyyyyyy.
    lets see if I can keep my hair on my head not pull it out when this crazy.
    plant starts with me LOL.
    well how is your gardenia Richie?
    is it any better today?
    Bye for now

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    Do I need to bare root my Gardenia


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    Three possible issues, that I can comment on. 1. A container mix like the 5-1-1 that drains well in a pot will drain WAY too quickly in the ground. What you will end up with, unless you take steps to prevent it, is a bone-dry root ball surrounded by wet soil. I have read accounts from people who have planted this way, and dug up the plants later after they failed, and who reported being shocked that the bark from their container mix was completely dried out despite the surrounding soil still being moist. You can mitigate this by checking, as often as possible, how moist the root ball is after you plant. Stick a finger into it and feel - check the bark mix, not the nearby soil. If not moist, water. Because of the drainage issue you are creating, you may need to water quite often until the roots of your gardenia grow out of that bark mix and into the surrounding soil. After that happens, your plant should be OK. 2. Depending on what type of soil you are planting in, you could actually face the opposite problem: drowning your plant. This is most likely if you are planting into a heavy clay soil that also drains poorly at a time of year that you get a decent amount of rain. Basically what happens in this case is that you are digging a hole in the ground where water can collect easily, but not drain out of easily. And your plant's roots will be sitting in that.. and drowning. Not likely to be an issue unless you are planting in a heavy soil like clay and also getting a fair amount of rain. 3. If the soil you are planting in is significantly different from the soil around the roots of your plant (which is almost guaranteed, since your plant is in the 5-1-1 mix), your plant may be slow to extend roots into the surrounding soil, or it may simply fail to do so. Plants sometimes seem to be unwilling to cross boundaries of significantly different soil types like you will be creating by planting this way. In an extreme case, your plant could end up becoming "root bound" in its plug of 5-1-1 mix, and eventually declining or dying because of that. This can be mitigated by gently shaking off some of the outer layer of 5-1-1 mix from the root ball to expose the growing tips of the roots (keep those exposed roots moist while planting!! Do not let them dry out!!). Then when you plant, the tips will be in your native soil and should have an easier time crossing that barrier. Since gardenias are not hardy in my area, I'm afraid I don't know anything about how they respond to having their roots disturbed. But if the plant will tolerate it, you will avoid all of the issues listed above by (mostly) bare rooting it before you plant. If you do go this route, it is critically important to keep those roots moist during the entire planting process. They can dry out very quickly, and the damage that results can really set your plant back - or kill it outright. I like to keep a 5 gallon bucket of water nearby when I am planting. I can dip the entire root ball in there to keep the roots moist, if I need to.
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    How about this? Get some totes (or boxes). Put the clothes in these totes. Seal them. Date them, say, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days hence, etc. Agree that if he hasn't unsealed a tote by the date, you can donate the contents. I was going to suggest the same thing. I've done it for myself -- and I wasn't sorry. Maybe you can't get rid of these excess clothes, but you can pack them away neatly. Personally, about a year ago I went through my closet and got rid of about 60% of my clothes -- and I am thrilled with the result. I can't even remember specific garments I "lost", but I love that everything in my closet fits, everything is a complete outfit, and everything fits into the closet without stuffing. When I retire (in another year), I can't wait to ditch the khaki pants and unflattering polo shirts that I am occasionally required to wear to school -- I've come to resent "junk" in my closet. An unexpected benefit: I have become very discriminating about what I buy (not that this has been a big shopping year anyway). I find myself asking, "Does this deserve a space in my life?" and "Would I really wear this often enough to justify spending on it?" Honestly, the only thing I've really bought in the last year is a pair of red dress shoes -- and I really need another pair of jeans. This is maybe easier for me, given that I'm so close to retirement, because I've also vowed not to buy anything I can't imagine wearing in my retirement years. My DH is a slob. He was a slob when I married him (46 years ago) and he is still a slob. He will never change. His mother was a slob too. I have had to adjust to his ways as I’m a neatnick and OCD too. Pick your battles. Do you want to die on this hill? I could say the same; well, except that I never knew his mother -- she died when he was a teenager. When I want to kill him because of his slovenly ways, I force myself to think about all the things he does well: he's a good provider, a wonderful father, he always lets me drive the new car, he takes my car out every Sunday and fills it with gas, he supports me in my career, he and I share so many hobbies -- so many things. I can get angry about his slovenly ways, start a fight, and end up doing the cleaning myself anyway -- or I can do it myself and remember that he contributes in other ways. Tupelo: If your boyfriend is unwilling to change, then you must ask yourself if this is the future you want for yourself and your future children: a significant other who doesn't care about how you want to live, or perhaps is chronically overwhelmed by life or is simply lazy? Not taking care of one's intimate belongings for an extended period of time is a sign of issues that will impact your future and not in a good way, these are bad habits that interfere with the development of the individual and also a couple. Good point. The OP isn't formally connected to this guy yet -- and she can still choose just how big an impediment this is.
    ...See More
  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well, Gardenias were brought in last night.
    What a scare!
    On the way to the store, we had the radio going, and on came the weather..SNOW!!! First they said Monday, now they're predicting it tonight..Snow in Oct!! What the heck?
    As soon as we got home, I carried remaining plants inside..Winds were 35-40mph..thought it'd knock me
    So far, there's only 2 plants, big plants, that need to be brought inside. But, I have to make room in one area to fit them.
    In the meantime, Gardenias are safe is the test..Will they survive winter? Will buds drop? We'll see.

    Richie, what did you do to make your Gardenia grow so fast? Was it fertilizers?
    You have your gardenia in a 12 1/2 gallon container? How do you move it? You need a truck just to

    If your doc gave you meds you probably have a flu..did you have a fever? I'm glad you're feeling better..
    My son and his g/f are both sick, my husband and I are hoping we don't catch it..They've been sick on and off the last 2 months..Flu is everywhere. Different types.

    Maria, I'm glad you got to read the Suicide Gardenia thread..It's so funny. Sometimes I read it for people are very serious when it comes to caring for a plant, and when they give us a hard time, we do want to pull our hair out..that among other problems!!
    Richie, yes, it's a female thing. If it was a man giving us problems, we'd pull their hair out, and bite off their, ahem, Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi Toni
    yes it was the gardenia fertilizer I am using it a teaspoon per gallon of water every 14 days to make sure
    it grows in good shape.
    each time I have to pick up that 12 and half gallon
    container it feels like I am lifting 120 pound weights
    great work out lol.
    now may be someone can share some information with me?
    when plants are in containers do they need feeding every 2 weeks? or is the feeding rules the same as with in ground
    plants? The more I read my friends garden book the more
    I get confuse. see it says feed gardenias every 3 weeks but
    then it says container plants need feeding every 14 days
    due to plant food washing way with all the
    extar water they need.
    The person who wrote the book must have been drunk while he or she was writing it LOL
    Toni: I know how it feels when plants start to have problems because I had problems with this gardenia but
    I never felt like yanking my hair out LOL.
    hi Maria
    after the feeding it has green up
    I cant beleave the soil got to dry with all the rain that
    has fallen it should have been on the moist side not dry.
    well at least the Damage was not as bad as I though it
    only a few leaves here and their.
    by the way what sprays do you use to keep bugs off the
    plants?. I want to get some for my plants.
    I now have 137 plants uh oh LOL@ my girlfriend adding
    so many of them that It takes me a hour to feed them and water them every two days.
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Richie.
    137 plants, you're catching other plants do you have?

    I think any container plant, fertilized every two wks, all their lives, would die or grow spindly.
    Especially if chemical fertilizers are used. I think most of us here, who grow Gardenias, use chemical types.
    For one, there would be way too much salt build up. The plant/s would need constant leaching to drain excess salts.
    In winter, for some of us anyway, if we fertilized during winter, with month after month of cloudy days, a plant would grow tall and thin, and probably weak.
    Plants go dormant in winter, they go to sleep..we don't eat when we're asleep, so it's the same w/plants. I should add, they go dormant, but depending where one lives makes a difference in time. For instance, here in Il, I stop fertilizing in Sept/Oct, except for African Violets, Hibiscus, (if they're blooming) and Geraniums.

    Well, happy growing to all..Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Toni
    I am having a little trouble with bugs again on many of my plants.
    Toni: how do you get rid of bugs that are on your plants?
    as far as feeding I am confuse but I think Pug is right
    in the sence of feeding them heavy once a month with
    gardenia food and epsom salt.
    Iron also is needed to keep the soil ph in check.
    Pug: let me know if you agree with me on this one?
    does anyone know how to keep white flys away?
    I have a plant they are on it is a sweet basil
    that they are on and need to get rid of them.
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Richie,

    Just to clarify, on what I said was Gardenia is one of those plants that for some reason can take/likes to be fertilized more often than any plants I've ever had(IMHO). They seem to need it more, but we do live in FL Richie, where our winters are milder than most states...having said that, I don't fertilize my gardenias this time of year every two weeks, I have cut mine to once a month and come Dec, Jan. I will wait and see if it needs it? I will only fertilize them "If" they
    are showing signs of the end of Feb, I will give them a light dosage and by March, I will be giving them the recommended strenght or 1/2 strenght...

    Richie I wish I could help with the whiteflies. I haven't had to deal with those so far...doesn't the other stuff that you use for the mealies/aphids work on the white flies? Good Luck!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Pug
    I think about the only thing that controls these white flys are yellow fly trap paper.
    I set some out today and it had 10 white flys
    hmmmm may be this is better then are these sprayings.
    Thanks Pug: I agree with you on the fact that gardenias need lots of food. what I been doing until now is
    feeding it full strenght with epsom salt mix in about every 3 weeks. due to the face that I hear so many mix ideas on how gardenias don't do well with so much salt in the soil. it was doing good but now this week it has 3 yellow leaves no big deal but I want to keep 90% of the plant in good shape with deep dark green leaves.
    I think I might be having a gardenia bloom soon.
    My Girlfriend is going to love it lol.
    speaking of plants she did it again last count of plants 200. waaa I cant keep up with so many plants LMAO
    now she has azleas. does anyone know anything about azleas?
    Toni: I got sweet basil. spicy basil. gardenia amiee gardenia mystery both gafted and non gafted.
    honey suckle. fire cracker plant. rose plants Hibiscus plants 1 pink flower type and two red flower ones.
    4 rubber tree plants. snake plants Five of them just to name a few lol
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi ya Richie
    Hey I did some fishing for information on gardenia care and I think your on the right track.
    Remember to alway check for moisture every few days and water as needed.
    azleas need almost the same care as gardenias as far as light water and plant food.
    remember ya need to water the plants like you would a gardenia and feed them once every three weeks.
    hey Toni and pug where are ya?
    This place is to quite lol
    buy for now

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi Maria
    Thank you for your advice.
    one of my gardenias bloom a flower but the rest of the gardenias have many tiny flower buds that have been this way for almost a month and have not got any bigger yet.
    I think the temps in flordia have been to high for the gardenias and this is why the flowers buds have not get any bigger then the tiny form they are in.
    may be Pug can confirm this for us on why they start to get flower buds but the flower buds fail to get any bigger any ways thank you Maria for your advice.
    what site did you go to in order to get this information on gardenias?
    Take Care
    Hugs to all

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Richie, the best thing to rid whitefly with is Yellow Sticky Traps. Thankfully, my plants only had whitefly once..after using Sticky Traps, they died..there were hundreds of these dreadful bugs attached to the traps..I thought all my plants were going to die..
    There are sprays to rid WF's, but traps are chemicals for one. For some reason, but are attracted to Yellow. They fly on the glue, and goodbye bugs. After traps are filled, toss them.
    There are quite a few sellers on Ebay that sell the traps, if you can't find them locally. Good prices, too.
    If you're lucky enough to live near a nursery that has them, might at well buy them instead of paying for shipping.

    Richie, when I mentioned fertilizer, I was referring to midwest/cold climates, but even in sunny Fl and Ca, isn't there a period, say from Nov-Jan, where days are cooler, less sunny? If so, that's when I would think reducing or stopping fertilizers might be appropriate. No?

    Perhaps it depends on which part of Fl one lives. I talk to two women who own citrus nurserys in Fl, and they withhold fertlizing a couple/few months in winter, so I assumed the same applied to Gardenias.

    Withholding/reducing fertilizer in winter is stated in most plant books. The author doesn't focus on one part of the country, but I'm certain they mean anywhere day light shortens, and temps decrease.
    You and Pug would know when to feed, and amounts to use during winter months, since you're residents of Fl. :)

    Richie, when a plant has insects or ill, it shouldn't be fertilized. I think you said your Basil has insects? If it does, don't add fertilizer until they're gone. Focus on ridding the bugs, then after they're in bug heaven, continue feeding as you normally do.

    What type of Azaleas are you growing? They'll burn if sun is too harsh..especially in summer..even here in Il south or west sun will scorch Azalea leaves. My Azalea stays out till first frost; the cold forces flower buds. It gets fertilized with Azalea/Rhododendron fert, or the same fert you use on Gardenias. I let soil dry a little, but if it dries too much, leaves will drop. You probably need to water more than I do..Like Gardenias, flowers last longer if kept cool.

    Hey Maria..Sometimes I stop at other forums, but we've been doing a little, fixin' up the house..nothing major. Plus, I rearranged the front and back plant rooms, which ended up being a 3+ day we wonder why we begin such projects..

    Anyway, I hope everyone is fine. Are you guys preparing for winter? I HATE it!!! It's been so cloudy..some rain, and now they're talking snow..One advantage of snow is it brightens up the house. Since I don't use curtains/blinds, and all walls are painted semi-gloss white, sun reflects off snow, onto walls and plants..Well, there is a curtain in the

    You guys take care..Richie, hope your grandpa is fine. hugs, Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Toni, maybe you should get rid of the curtain in the bathroom, who knows, your plants might do even better than they already are..lololol
    You left yourself open for that one. Hugs

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Mike!! Very Funny!!

    I agree with Toni on withholding fertilzer in the winter, for us that usually starts end of Nov early Dec. If your weather has been warm in Nov? Its been a very mild Nov for us here in Central FL so far and your gardenia is actively growing, if you want, you can probably add about a 1/4 strenght just to give it a little bit. Then I would NOT give it any fertilizer for DEC-Jan-Feb. By March our temps should start warming back up...we can resume applying our regular fertilizer schedule. That's what I would do, IMHO...just my 2 cents.

    Take care everyone!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mike, ever see the movie, Psycho? I have, and don't want to re-enact that shower scene..lolol.

    Pug, do gardenias bloom during winter in Fl? Ours bloom, but flowers are smaller. Hibs are putting out normal size blossoms though..
    Some plants, even here in 'Cold Country' get fertilized all winter..African Violets, Hibiscus, Geraniums, and tender perrenials brought in from outside. 1/4-1/2 strength ferts.
    I'm debating whether or not to fert a Stephanotis. It's old but never once bloomed. sigh. Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is my very first winter with my Gardenias...I bought them January '07. They had no blooms when I bought them. Right now they do have a few here and there, nothing like it was in early spring. I'll let you know if they bloom for me this winter...technically that's Dec. 20/21 right?

    Toni, LOVE that movie...seen it more times than I care to admit, saw the "new" version also...not as good as the original, Alfred Hitchcock was the best!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You guys are just to funny. Do you see the effect gardenias can have on us? Are we funny or what. I would hate to see what we do if they started croacking on us this winter! God forbid if I find even one pest on
    Take care all of you, and by the way, another one of my favorites was " The Birds".

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love Gardenias. Nothing smells like them. I'm in Zone 8/9 Louisiana, and they grow like weeds and trees around here.

    I think the problem comes when people try to grow them entirely indoors. Which can be done if you give them high light, acidic potting soil and don't let them dry out completely. But they're probably not going to bloom. In all the times I've tried and tried, I've only gotten one plant to make one flower.

    It's a temperature thing. Gardenias set buds when the nights are cool and the days are warm, which is why they bloom in the spring and fall. The temperature at night needs to be below 65 degrees.

    So there's the problem. That's a temp. a bit too cool for most people to sleep in.

    I've finally given in and grow mine outdoors entirely, and when they bloom, I cut lots of them to put in vases to enjoy the scent indoors.

    On the other hand, even out of bloom they are beautiful plants, so if you can keep them healthy indoors, by all means grow them there, just don't expect them to burst into flower.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Ha, you have not read my famous post:

    The First Gardenia of 2008

    In Virginia, I set them out for only 2 weeks. They are then loaded with tiny buds. I move them back in dry and hot room. They bloom like crazy in a month or two.

    I realize that temperature-rise matures the buds. The plants are exclusively cultivated indoors. The key is dry between watering. Yes, you MUST allow them to dry out.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Pug and Mike..Hitchcock movies were great, and like yes the old Psycho was better made than the new.
    Isn't it like that with most remakes? Some other examples are: The Haunting, 13 Ghosts, and The Omen.
    Gotta love spooky, eerie films.
    I dote on feathered friends, but not zillions plucking at my hair and
    Guess I still have Halloween on the brain, while Thanksgiving is creeping up on us.

    Mike continue spraying, hike up humidity, and run a fan a few hours per day..or if temps are 55F+, crack open a window. Air circulation is mandatory..dry, stuffy air is unhealthy for plants, pets and people.
    You have to be one step ahead of insects, to keep them off and out.
    My Gardenia is in a south window behind other plants, so it's a real pain lifting, then hauling to the sink, let alone the shower which is upstairs. I don't know it's actual weight, but it's heavy and bulky. Still, it's worth the work, being showered/sprayed, otherwise mites or God-forbid, mealy attack.

    Belle, I definately agree, growing plants indoors, (some more than others,) are a real challenge, but with artificial lights, humidifers, fans, misting and showering, growing greens inside can be accomplished.
    Not just thriving, but getting them to flower and fruit, and grow compact, luscious foliage.

    It's funny when people who live, especially raised in warm climates say/think it's impossible for those of us who live in cold areas to grow anything other than plastic flowers year round. lol
    It's work, a big job, but most plants can be grown indoors, for years, including the Mighty Gardenia.
    Thinking positive helps, perhaps plants sense our moods.

    Snasxs, your Gardenia is doing great..leaves are so green. Are you still fertilizing?
    I've contemplated Epsom Salting some plants, not all..most that have a tendency getting Chlorosis. We'll see..

    Take care everyone..Let's hope winter is brief, no 7 months of, Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi Toni
    My gardenias good news is the bugs are off. I been hitting them with sprays and misting them.
    I found today that they are loaded with buds. some may open very soon.
    Pug:for me my gardenias bloom from dec through spring and a little here and there in the summer.
    snasxs: I like your gardenias
    I would like to know how often do you feed them and how much you use?
    for ex; a teapsoon per gallon of water?
    Toni: I am growing a azalea southen.
    how much sun light do they need?
    and how often should they be fed?
    to the new people that join welcome to the group.
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Richie.
    I'm glad the bugs are dying/dead on your plants..they are such pains..
    Keep misting..IF they're outside, hose..a hose put out much more water, forces many bugs off plants, and after, creates a wall of humidity.

    Azaleas cannot take strong summer south or wes sun w/o scorching leaves. Mine are in south and east windows, but from now until March, sun is scares..but even in summer, too much direct sun can burn fragile azaleas.
    Fertilizing depends on the type..soom authors advise fertilizing 3 times a year, others say once a
    It can be confusing. I follow directons written on Azalea fertilizer bag.
    Then they're kept outside until first Dec buds should form. They open, last about 5 months. Too bad they dont have fragrace..

    Well, good luck, Richie..Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you Toni for your advice
    I'm sorry I'm late in replying back I've been in New York
    until now and I came back to see all my plants doing ok expect a rubber tree plant that lost 7 leaves.
    Toni: This is my first rubber tree plant and I would like your advice on their care.
    I seen on your home pages picture of your rubber tree plant and they look great.
    Is their a way to get it to recover these leaves?
    It's looking bare on the botton.
    good news it seems like my gardenias do better when I don't
    over baby them. now the gardenias are doing great but my rubber tree plant is giving problems LOL
    Looking forward to hearing from you all
    Take Care
    P.S. Maria is everything ok? I see you have not been on here in a long time

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi ya Richie
    How was it in New York?
    I have not been online much these days.
    getting ready for the hoildays
    I am very happy that your gardenias are doing great.
    Is your rubber tree plant in full sun or part sun?
    If its in full sun move it to another location where it gets morning sun after noon shade this will help it a lot and in time it will recover its lost leaves as well as grow bigger.
    let me warn you that if you plant it in the ground that rubber tree can grow up to 40 or 50 feet Yikes LOL.
    Well I hope I have clear up the care for rubber tree plants.
    I am pretty sure Toni can tell you more about them.
    Bye for now

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi Maria
    The trip to New York was great.
    I got to see many of my old friends and visit my family to.
    Toni: whats new with you?
    Can you help me with how to care for a rubber tree plant please?
    what did everyone do for christmas?
    did santa got everyone there gifts??? lol
    Maria: LOL no way a rubber tree plant can become 40 feet tall or can it????
    I got to go I'm on my way out be back later tonight
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    just drop by to say hello
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Howdy everyone!

    Richie, sounds like you had a wonderful time in NY..meeting ex g/f's..What does your current g/f have to say? lol..
    Did you get to see any NY plants, bring any home? or were you too busy partying? :)

    Congrats on your insects? Are they goners? I think it was you who suspected mites or some sort of pest..

    Ficus are fussy..some (benjaminas) more than others..The easiest way to kill a Ficus, Rubber Tree is overwatering.
    Is yours green, purple or variegated?
    I almost lost my variegated RT this year..Last winter I repotted into a larger container w/o drainage holes..While outside, it rained and rained day after day within a 2 wk period.
    Then when it was brought indoors, it stayed in the tub 2 days, getting more water everytime someone showered..Because the lower plant is compact, I didn't notice the soil was soaked.
    It went in the bedroom..a few days later a couple bottom leaves yellowed..I checked the soil, finding 2-3 inches of stagnant water floating on top. Using a baster, I syphoned as much water as possible, but the soil was drenched. I didnt have another pot large enough to repot..Its pot needs drilling before this happens a second time, maybe next time I won't be so lucky.

    So, allowing soil to dry, especially during winter, is very essential..
    Rubber trees love light..more light means larger leaves and pronounced other words, if your tree is variegated, pink, white and green are more prominent if it's in bright light.
    Also, branches and stems thicken..if grown in low light, branches can get so spindly the tree needs staking to stand.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Richie, but the leaves that dropped will not grow back. However, upper foliage will continue to fill in.
    The only way to renew a compact look is by air-layering or cutting back. If your rubber tree is mature, cutting back would be a difficult decision. I couldnt do

    Do not fertilize much if at all during winter, especially if days are cloudy. One author says to fertilize Rubber trees, (because they're slow-growing) and/or any Ficus once or twice a year. If container-grown.
    Once a month, with diluted fertilzer, from April-Aug should be sufficient, in IL..
    Rubber trees are pots..I don't know their speed when grown in the ground.

    Misting, showering, and/or washing then wiping rids dust. Dust clog pores. Avoid leaf shines.
    Rain water is the best, but it's not always water perks plants up too.

    So, set in bright light, water only when soil is dry, withhold fertilizer during winter/cloudy days, and if possible use a window for fresh air. Wipe leaves.

    How was everyone's holiday? Anyone get new plants or plant supplies?
    I got a hanging plant shop light..Dh said, you can order a few plants, which is fine by me. lol..I want a variegated palm so bad, but they're too expensive..$45 and up..
    That's too much money for a plant that might die.
    One seller on Ebay had Best offer for one var palm..he was asking 45.00..I offered 25.00..then he wrote back with another offer of 35.00..oh well, had to pass it up. I believe this palm is planted in a 3" pot..Some ppl are really into profit. lol. Maybe one day, but not at that price.

    I won a Licula palm and variegated Pandanus/Screw Pine..
    Yesterday we went to Home Depot and bought a little Frosty's so cute, and only 5.99..One online nursery had a tiny version of this fern for 12.99 plus s&h..

    Well, that's it..Again, I hope everyone had Safe and Comfy-Cozy holidays..hugs, Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Toni
    my rubber tree has green leaves.
    I dont think i can prune a rubber tree plant. to me pruning a plant is like cutting off a arm or leg
    I try not prune any plant.
    lol I did not visit any ex girl friends in New York.
    I did bring a few plants from New York. spider plant and a snake plant. I will name the type of snake plant soon. this one i have not seen in Tampa FL.

    I'M glad you did not lose your plant due to the pot with out drainage holes.
    trust me I almost lost a snake plant one time due to it had no drainage holes and to get it
    to recover was really hard to do.
    I water rubber tree plant twice a week the most. by I try to not water more then once a week.
    its starting to get bigger and the leave lost started to slow down once I start to mist the leaves thanks for the advice on
    the rubber tree plant.
    wow $45 for a plam tree is a lot of
    money but if its nice and strong then I guess the price is ok.
    I got to see what they go for in
    Tampa FL.
    My holidays when good.
    I guess I was a good boy this year cause santa got me many things lol.
    How was your holidays?
    I just turn 32 years old on Jan 3
    but I feel like I was 23 years old again lol.
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Richie,
    It's nice you got to travel..that's one thing we can't do because of one to bird and dog
    What bothers me is there are so many plant shows in other states..It'd be great visiting some of these shows..

    I'm happy Santa was nice to you..what all did he bring? Anything plant related?
    Santa brought me a new plant about excited! Yep, opening gifts is great..I feel like

    I found soil for Rubber Trees, despite leaf color, needs to dry between waterings..I water RT's a little more than succulents, especially in winter. And yes, pots need drainage holes. It's bad enough, variegated RT's are impossible finding here, and even if I found one, they takes years to grow..Variegated types are slow-growing compared to green or red leaf types. Wonder why???

    I know what you mean about pruning or air-layering. It's difficult cutting a tree, one you had since only inches tall, then whack.
    My variegated Yucca is over 8' tall. It's in front of a glass door in back..the ceiling is tall, probably 20'..But, after it reaches a little more than 15', the top portion won't get any sun..Yuccas are sun-loving plants. I dread the day it will have to be cut

    As long as your Rubber tree isn't losing more leaves, it should be okay. Keep spraying foliage, and remove dust. Dust only clogs pores. Don't bother with leaf shines..Soap and water cleans may not have the sparkle leaf shines do, but IMO, they cause more problems than not.

    Good luck, Richie..and when you have time take pics of your new NY plants..Toni

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Awwww I know what you mean about traveling
    I got two dogs and two cats my girlfriends sister
    baby sat them for us while we when to New York.
    what size pot did use for the 8' variegated Yucca?
    may be this will be the size this gardenia of mine needs
    lol this plant has become way to fat.
    as far as your variegated Yucca plant is their any way
    to enlarge the window area it is at now?
    that way it still can get the sun light it
    needs and you won't have to prune it at all.
    My Rubber tree plant has stop the leave lost and
    is starting to grow more leaves as it gets taller.
    well Santa got me a new 12.1 MP digital camera.
    santa broke the bank on this one my girlfriend told me lol.
    a new pot for my gardenia but I think it is to small for this gardenia and my gardenias are flowering and I think its to early for this flowering to happen but we are happy.
    speaking of gardenias when do you know its time to
    transpant a gardenia?
    Today I move it from one spot in the garden to another spot and I notice that roots broke off the drainage holes these roots that broke off each of them are 4 inches long.
    I hope I did not hurt this plant much cause it has become
    so full and as my girlfriend would say also very pretty lol. some leaves have brown up half way and I cut the bad parts off. Toni: has your gardenia ever got any leaves that get brown tips or worst half of the leave turns brown
    and if so how did you correct the problem with the plant?
    Take Care

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi Pug, Toni, Maria
    This is a short update on my grandfather.
    my grandfather die yesterday
    I'm really heart broken cause
    he was like a father to me.
    I have to go.
    my eyes are still tearing up on me
    Take Care

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I have been watching this post off and on, and was hoping in my mind and heart, that your grandfather would be ok.
    When I would see sunflowers, I would think of this thread and him. Wondering how you and him are.

    I am so sorry for your loss Richie. I am sure everyones thoughts along with mine will are with you.....

    Much love from all your friends here,

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you everyone.
    I feel so heart broken.
    does this hurt ever go away?
    I got to see him on the weekend
    and the doctors told me he was doing
    better but sadly on feb 10 2009
    they call to inform me that he pass away in his sleep.
    I have not been able to sleep well.
    all I think of is what if I was by his side? would I have been able to save him? on the day he dye I was going pay the doctors to have him transfer to another hospital closer to my house
    so that I could be with him everyday
    and take care of him.
    he lived in cape coral fl and
    I live in Tampa FL.
    the trip was two and half hours
    each way from my house.
    oh god this so hard for me
    he was like a father to me and
    I miss him very much.
    I got to go.
    I'm starting to cry my eyes out again
    Take care everyone

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am so sorry for you. The pain will go away in about a year. Be strong okay?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Makes one appreciate ones life alot more doesn't it. I may loose my mom, and just the thought of it is so hard to take.

    But I'll bet your grandad would love for you to smile again and live life to your full, doing what you do most that brings you pleasure, and bringing it to others as you have, taking care of the very plants he knew you loved so much and helping others to do so.

    The hurt will go away, but never the fond memories of him. Beleiving that he would love to see you smile when you think of him and see sunflowers,not be heartbroken, would please him in everyway.

    We are here for you,anytime you need friends...

    As toni would say if she saw what happened, hugs to you from me and all.

    Again I am sorry.....

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi snasxs
    Thank you.
    I will try to be strong
    and hope that each day that goes by
    The pain goes away a little more.
    mike: I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I know how you feel
    about the though of losing someone you love. it does make people
    appreciate life more.
    I do have lots of home movies of him
    as well as pictures also.
    Today I place a order to enlarge
    five Pictures of him that I took of him while he was visiting us in Tampa
    last year.
    I did e-mail Toni to let her know
    about my grandfather and she did e-mail me back and advise me to spend some time with friends and family.
    about the only that makes me feel a little better is knowing that all my friends are here for me and
    the fond memories I have of my grandfather.
    Take Care
    Hugs to everyone

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Our thoughts and prayers are with you!! Please know how very sorry we are for your loss...Please take care, we all hope you find some peace soon. Unfortunately only time heals all...

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Cool, I think you should plant a rare magnolia to remember your grandfather. The exclusively fragrant Magnolia wilsonii comes to my mind. Every year, when the snow flowers hanging out, you see your grandfather smiling at you.

    Image link at

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi my friends
    How are you all doing?
    snasxs: Thank you for the link I'm plan on planting some Magnolia's to go along with the gardenias and as soon as
    the weather warms up I will plant many sunflowers
    of all sizes in the garden..
    I do have plans on turning my garden into a huge garden
    I will start working on it in about 4 weeks.
    I'm still upset with the lost of my grand father.
    I feel a little bit better when I'm busy doing something cause it helps me to take my mind off of things.
    I have not been able to sleep well since this happen.
    Take care

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome back Richie,
    Welcome back!:-)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Richie, like Mike said...Welcome back and great to see you!! Try and hang in there...I know its very tough :o(

    Take care of yourself...

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Mike and Puglvr
    Thank for the welcome back.
    I'm trying to hang in there.
    so far I'm starting to feel a little bit better.
    today a 5 gardenia flowers open up.
    my grandfather loves gardenias.
    Take Care
    I will be back soon

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    A sign of good things to come Richie..:-)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello All..
    Richie, as we discussed, the memory of your grandfather will remain, but day by day, the hurt will lessen.
    One day, years from now, you and your mom and grandpa will be together in spirit. We'll all be together, happy, without pain.
    Your grandfather doesn't want you to be sad. You said he was like a father, right? Fathers wouldn't want their sons and daughters to spend life unhappy.
    Plant Sunflowers and a Magnolia, dedicate them to grandpa. And smile when they're blooming. You said your grandpa loves Sunflowers..sunflowers are happy plants. Yellow flowers mean brightness, happiness and joy.
    Plant a garden in his memory, but Richie, your grandpa wouldn't want you to be unhappy.

    We've all lost family. Someone we loved, It hurts, bad. But after a time, the sadness fades. We realize our loved ones wouldn't want us to feel blue.
    Thankfully you have your mom and girlfriend. We all care about you, too, so think of us as part of your family.

    When you're feeling better, let us know how your plants are doing. hugs, Toni

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just thinking of ya Richie...

    Hope your doing better, and that you have a special plan for a special garden come spring..:-)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi my friends
    sorry I was late but my pc had to be sent in for repairs.
    :-(. but I'm back
    Toni: I started the garden work.
    so far I been in 30 hours of work in the back garden along first making the garden boxes then filling them with dirt and making sure all the plants fit in them.
    I made 4 extar large boxes.
    and put in over 150 qts of dirt.
    then take the plants out of the container's and plant them in the garden boxes.
    this only in my back yard.
    not counting the front yard lol.
    update almost all my gardenias have had a full bloom this is un real cause I never get this many flowers arount this time of year. must be a good sign.
    I'm still upset with my grandfaher passing away but this work I'm doing is helping me to cope with the pain cause I'm doing this for him and knowing that this will make him happy in turn makes me happy.
    Hi Mike
    I'm starting to feel better.
    I got started on the garden in my back yard so far I'm most done. now I need to work on my front yard.
    Yikes another 30 hours lol but in the end this will be worth it knowing my grandfather is happy with his gardens I made for him.
    Take Care
    Thank you everyone for being their for me through these hard times that I'm going through
    Hugs to everyone

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nice Richie, nice..:-)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm sure your Granfather would have loved the garden!! That is such a wonderful way to remember him...Happy Growing!!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Richie, how in the world did you haul all that soil?
    It would have taken me two seasons to

    Have you decided what type of plants you're going to grow?
    Living in Fl, you have sooo many options, sweet-smelling, flowering, etc.
    What type of soil did you use? Acidic? Standard? I've heard Fl's soil is sandy, but I don't know if that's true for all it?
    When you guys and gals in Fl grow plants like Gardenias, does soil need amending? If so, what type of soil/mediums do you use?

    Because winter is sooo depressing, I went to Almost Eden and bought a bunch of new sweet-smelling plants.
    Here's what I'll be getting..if anyone knows what they are or their care, plese chime in..I'll need instructions.

    Magnificant Brunfelsia Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow.
    Daisy Gardenia
    India Carnation
    August Beauty Gardenia
    Mystery GArdenia
    Variegated Gardenia
    Vietchii Gardenia

    I have absolutely No idea where they're going to go
    I can switch plants around, but then the switched plants will need a place.
    In the back plant room are two, huge Ming and Fox Tail Ferns..both need repotting..they are my fav ferns in the sphrengi, sp, family...They were babies when I got them, now huge..they'd look great in a garden, but not hardy here. What to do?

    Richie, I agree with Pug..your grandpa would have loved the garden. Perhaps you can plant a section of his favorte plants?
    I hope you're feeling better, Richie. How's your mom doing? toni

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello my friends.
    Toni: I use Acidic for the gardenias.
    Standard for the rest of the other plants.
    so far I plant gardenias sunflowers jasmin snap dragons
    Magnolia's some rue plants my friends got for me.
    roses rubber tree plants and all types of basil just to name a few on the long list of plants lol.
    I'm done with all garden work as well as home improvements.
    phew what a work out. thank god I had my friends and my family who team up with me to do all this work.
    they help me with the carrying of the soil and planting of the plants. I painted all of the house inside and outside of the house..update one of my gardenias lost two small branches but on the up side this plant has been in bloom since jan 3 2009. I never seen a gardenia bloom for such a long time but I'm happy :-).
    Toni: wow you got a lot of new plants
    how are your new plants doing?
    do you like the gardenia Mystery?
    has it bloom yet?
    how are your Ming and Fox Tail Ferns?
    yes in fl the soil needs to be amended to make sure your
    plants stay in good shape.
    in FL you must plant gafted Gardenias to make sure
    that they stay strong in the fl soil due to root eating insects would kill them. I will try to get infomtion on the plants that you have. so I can help you with your plants.
    Thanks Pug: I agree with you my grandfather would love this garden we build for him.
    Take Care

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Richie, I started a post called, 'Richie, where are you?'
    Can we continue on the new thread..this one is a tad long, and takes forever to download.

    I'll never remember the questions you asked, so I might as well answer

    First, how are YOU doing? I hope your're well.
    And your mom? G/f?

    About my new Gardenias, I'm very upset. I guess the weather did more harm than I thought..I doubt any gardenias will make it..the temps were just too cold.
    I dont know if I should notify the owner or not, since he waited a long time before shipping.
    All the leaves are frosted, every last one. I dont know what to do. They turned black and crisp. I didn't mention it because I was in denial, hoping I was wrong, but they've pretty much had it.
    BTW, the nursery ships wonderful plants, it's not his fault. It's my fault for not asking him to hold them longer.

    Sounds like you got a bunch of new plants must be the season, or maybe we can blame it on a full
    For us in Il it's the season..tonight rain AND snow! I dont want to see snow until next

    Foxtail, Ming, Spreng and Plumosia Ferns are well, but need new, big pots..they are huge. In fact, you know those huge square pots to plant outdoor plants? The pots I'm talking about are orange, square. I might end up potting ferns inside each planter..the problem is I need 4 and they've gone up in cost. If they're 7.00, I can afford it, but if they're over 10.00 I'll have to devise another plan. Dividing!
    Variegated Ginger needs a huge pot too..gotta find a place that 'gives away' free

    You're lucky you finished family have no interest in gardening, so I don't ask. A lot of digging and planting..sigh..I feel like spraying weed killer, but won't..can't because of the dogs for one. Our little dog would be rolling in
    We had to give him an emergency bath a few mins ago..dh took them to the woods, and that little brat found a mud area..of course he came home with 4" of mud on his little body. He ran up to me, telling me he needed a bath which he got. The sink was filthy..he had enough dirt to fill up a plant

    Richie, dont forget..I started the thread here on GW looking for you. Please answer on that puter takes too long to dl long threads..thanks, and I know I can speak for others, we're glad you're back..hugs, Toni