Central Ohio Plant Swap 2014 (13th year!) - FREE!!
*Who: Gardeners of all ages (children must be accompanied by an adult at all times)
*What: Central Ohio Plant swap (and potluck lunch)
*Where: 3800 Veterans Memorial Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026 (Hilliard Municipal Park)
ASPEN shelter
*When: Saturday, May 17, 2014, 10am (RAIN OR SHINE!!!)
*Why: Because we gardeners can't waste good plants!
*How: By bringing plants/seedlings/garden ornaments/garden magazines/seeds/garden tools/bulbs/shrubs/trees etc. to swap/exchange with other gardeners after a potluck lunch
*Who is in charge: Rebecca (Mouse), Kim (daisymomto4) & Sarah (NuSkewl)
Feel free to let your gardening friends know about this fun informal event! PLEASE DO NOT link this announcement to any other websites (ie: Craigslist) without clearing it with Kim (daisymomto4), Sarah (NuSkewl), or Rebecca (Mouse). Any questions can be posted here (GardenWeb thread) or the Facebook group - Central Ohio Plant Swap.
Prior to the swap
*RSVP (optional, but helpful); if you do RSVP, say what potluck goodie you're bringing so not to duplicate foods
*Let others on GardenWeb/Facebook know what plants/seeds/items you intend to bring (optional)
*Arrange "private swaps" that happen the day of the Central OH plant swap (optional); We will have a private table set up for these swaps for your convenience. (See below for more details)
*Pot-up plants; think of what you'd be excited to receive at the swap and bring something like that. Every item, though, is considered equal value; ie: 1 little plant 3" high is equal in trade/swap to a big rose bush
*Clearly and neatly label every single plant you bring; include as much info about each plant as possible: name of plant, care (sun, part sun, shade), invasive or poisonous, flower color, etc
*Keep count of the number of plants/items you're bringing (will need total at sign-in the day of the swap)
*Consider donating a door prize; does not have to be gardening related (optional)
*Easily carried container (ie: crate/IKEA bag) to put your plants in during the swap round robin (optional)
Day of the swap
Arrival : 10a-12noon
*Arrive with an excited, happy, sharing heart!
*Drop-off potluck deliciousness (at picnic table potluck area) and labeled swap plants/items in the drop-off area (parking spaces right next to the shelter designated with signage), then park your car.
*Immediately put your plants/items amongst the appropriate category/group (sun, shade, veggies, ground cover, grasses, iris, bulbs, shrubs, etc). There are a few labeled wagons to use to do this, and hopefully, some helpers.
*Sign-in: name, how many plants/items you have brought to swap, and your email address (optional; so we can remind you when the swap's comin'-up), make a name tag (nickname/screen name optional)
*Put your name in door prize container (optional); drop-off any door prize donations (optional)
Make a monetary donation to help pay for the shelter (optional, but greatly appreciated - THANK YOU!!)
*Pick a "spot". Many bring blankets/chairs/tables to make a "spot" for themselves around the shelter so new acquisitions are all together in one place. (optional, but helpful)
*Once settled-in, please consider helping arriving "swappers" put their items into the appropriate category/group (optional, but a wonderful thing to do spread the plant swap love!)
*Start viewing plants, visit with other gardeners, help other gardeners if need be
*Pre-arranged "private swaps" can be dropped-off/collected at a table identified along the fence on the playground side of the shelter. "Private swap" goodies MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED: to whom, from whom and what the plant is.
Lunch ;announced around 12noon
Please bring your own re-useable plate/fork/spoon/knife/cup/water bottle/napkin; there will be disposable in case you forget. Gardeners are naturally green!
Swap time: around 1p
1 of the 3 ladies in charge of the swap will announce when it's time to start the actual swap is "round robin" style. There are usually enough plants to go through 4 rounds of the round robin.
1st round: pick 1 plant or item.
2nd round: pick 2 plants or items.
3rd round: pick 3 plants or items.
4th round: pick 4 plants or items.
Usually after the 4th round, everything's pretty well picked-over & there will be an announcement of "free-for-all". The orphaned plants want a new home. PLEASE TAKE THEM!!
Hope to see everyone there, newbies, "old timers" and everyone in between!
This post was edited by kin2mice on Tue, Jan 28, 14 at 6:09
kin2miceOriginal Author
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