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Indoor Sowing, Winter Sowing & Propagation 2009

16 years ago

It's that time of year again, SOOOOW, whatcha got going so far (north forum)?

I figured I start a thread that will include indoor, wintersowing, as well, any thing to propagate such as cuttings and where did you get your seeds from.

I know its way tooooo early for most seeds but I sowed these yesterday, they're having their 3 month warm period first, then 3 month cold and back out to 20C....

L. martagon v. album (short 24")

L. martagon v. dark mauve

L. martagon light pink x OP

L. martagon

LILIUM superbum

LILIUM michiganense

(these seeds were from the Gardens North April sale and Darm Cook from the NWT.

Happy sowing everyone!


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