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Changing style with new house?

18 years ago

This is probably going to be a sort of rambly question, so please forgive me! Anyhow, we are in the process of moving, and of course, I'm starting to plan out my new garden. My old house is on a cul-de-sac, under 1/4 acre, backing up to protected wetlands. The front border is roses and other cottage-y stuff mainly, while the back yard is more prairie-esque to go with the wetlands. (Yellow & purple, mainly - assorted daylilies, yarrow, Joe Pye Weed, purple coneflower, liatris, etc.) The house itself is beige vinyl siding.

So, the new house is a somewhat different setting. It's a half-acre, completely rectangular (100'x200'), with the house towards the front of the lot. The house itself is red brick and reddish board and batten in front, and white siding the other sides. There is a huge maple tree dominating the front yard, and a few trees to the rear and edges of the back yard, but mainly open rectangular space. There is also a small rickety shed at the back of the property.

Anyhow, I'm now getting ideas of wanting to make everything much more geometrical than our current house - making a long double border leading up to the shed, mainly roses but also other perennials (irises, peonies, centaurea montana, etc), ending in the middle of the yard with four benches forming a diamond - 2 to look at the double border, and 2 for watching the kids play in the area closer to the house. Also, adding some fruit trees, and shrubs along the fences. Basically, going more towards a more formal Garden Room structure.

I guess part of what I'm asking is, how is it when you go from more casual to formal. I'm not sure if I'll end up wanting to rebel, or if I'll like the formality.

(This will be done over a period of years, I'm sure - there's no way I can do it all at once, both from a time or money standpoint!)



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