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Furbaby safety issue

17 years ago

I know this is a bit off topic, but since there are so many cottage gardeners who are also pet lovers..please take note..

This is why it is important to microchip your pet. My daughter lives in Indianapolis. After a weekend visit home to see us for Father's Day. She was greeted upon returning at her apartment complex door in pouring down rain by a big white husky dog as she called it. We now know it is a Siberian Husky. The poor dog was wet, and pulling a walking leash behind it. She looked around for anyone looking for it in the rain and when she found no one, she took it upstairs with her so it did not get hit on the road. She lives on a 6 lane road on two sides of her building. She posted notices and checked with the rental office for lost dog one responded. I suggested she contact the vet who has a office about two blocks from her, hoping the owners might of used the same vet and contacted them. She called them and they said they had no reports, but to bring the dog in and they would see if she had a microchip in. She took the dog right in and sure enough, she had been microchiped! She called the owner today on her lunch hour and the lady was very grateful..she had spent two days looking for the dog. And last night when she put her two little girls to bed, she had to tell them that they prolly were not going to find thier beloved pet. She said it was heartbreaking. They cried themselves to sleep last night. And today, because of a $35 dollar microchip...they will get thier dog back after my daughter gets off is just a note..microchiping works....I am going to make a appointment to get mine done. A lesson well learned for me too. This story has a happy ending, but without microchiping it may not of. Consider it for your only takes one escape....ok, I will get down off my soapbox just hit home a bit close to me. I love my furbabies to pieces and to know what might of happened...and how those little girls must of felt makes it all a bit more real that a suggestion you read or hear about.....consider it, for the cost of a dinner out, you can safeguard your pet.

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