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Some Old, Some New, and Some Blue

12 years ago

Just a couple of new ones today, and others that get to return, and something with blue. Avedon

Brand new, a bonus plant, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. This is Catcher In The Eye

Brand new pic this year--FFO on Sunday Gloves, How nice it opened on Sunday. It will get better as time goes by.

Rose Emily Twins. For a long time I thought this was Ming Porcelain, but now I know for sure. This is a good plant.

The daylily from J. Carpenter I named for my mother. Finally, have managed to get a good picture.

Seedling I will probably name for my sister.

I guess this is the "old" This is Hall's Pink from 1952, I think. Couldn't resist this clump shot this morning. They just looked so cheerful.

Joan Senior clump shot

Destined To See Clump Shot

Persian Market Clump Shot

The blue is in the blue salvia in this garden shot. The daylily in the background is Hyperion which is now putting up scapes.

More blue--blue salvia and in the foreground, our dwarf blueberry bush and I have already picked some. They are yummy!


I wish this were a better photo so the clearwing hummingbird moth is more visible. It just loves the blue plumbago and getting a picture is very hard, butterflies are easier.

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