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Favorite Gardening Tips 2

21 years ago

Let's get this one going again.

1. After pruning roses rasperries or other thorny canes, tie them to your bird feeder pole. It works much better than those baffles.

2. Losing plant tags (big sigh) Find or buy some smooth fist size rocks. Using paint pens sold at craft stores write the plant names on your rocks. Purple paint pen for plants with purple blooms etc. Place the rocks by your plant, and you will alwys have it handy when your asked what it is.

3. If you have a mailbox that is in a shady place, make a post planter using a large pvc pipe, drill 2" holes all around it. Secure it in the ground. Fill it with potting soil, plant impatients in the holes. Attach your mailbox to the pvc cap, the cap on the post, it's removable for easy watering and when the flowers fill in you have a tower of blooms. In fall stick fall picks (from craft stores)in the soil. In the spring the old potting soil can be removed from the top and replaced and replanted....

OK who's next....

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