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HAVE: Green Elephant Trade List

17 years ago

I will trade anything on my list for dahlias to benefit the Hmong Flower Farmers of the Snoqualmie Valley.

This year I bougth plant labels. I will tag and hold all pre-arranged trades for you at the Green Elephant.

Bamboo  12", evergreen foliage for containers, vigorous runner for erosion control

Blue Bells  Campanula native to PNW

Bronze leaved loostrife (not purple loostrife the weed) 18" color foliage plant

Brugmansia  foot-long cuttings of Pink and Charles Grimaldi (yellow)

Chinese Lanterns  Physalis alkengii, dried orange paper lanterns in fall.

Common milkweed  Asclepias syriaca, 5 perennial, lilac fragrant flower balls followed by seed pods for dried arrangements.

Crazy Daisy  shredded flower form of the Shasta Daisy

Crocosmia  orange flowered

Garden phlox in hot pink, lavender, & white

Gooseneck Loostrife, Lysimachia clethroides 28" gracefully arched flower stalks

Helianthus x multiflorus ÂLemon QueenÂ, clear yellow perennial sunflower 5Â

Helianthus occidentalis  Western sunflower 6 late fall yellow perennial sunflower

Heliopsis  4" prairie perennial, yellow ox-eye daisy

Mouse Plant  Asarum proboscidium  4" moist shade, very early, secret "mouse" flowers beneath leaves.

Oenethera biennis  4 evening primrose, fragrant 4" yellow flower snap open in minutes at dusk.

Rogersia aesculifolium  large leaved moist shade 18"

Solidago multiradiata  showy 4 goldenrod, non-invasive

Trees in pots:. This time I promise to tag each personÂs trees ahead of time and hold them for the designated traders. I lost track of the trees at the last swap. Teresa; Judy, I owe you trees. Please send me an email jim(dot)Eichner(at)juno(dot)com if I owe you trees from last fall. I have two shore pines and two mountain ash on hold for someone.

Cornelian Cherry  Cornus mas, actually a species of dogwood with edible fruit

Giant Dogwood  Cornus controversa

Little Leaf Linden

Pussy willow  black catkins

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