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Let's talk fruits & veggies

16 years ago

With the rising price of food, I know more people are turning towards growing their own. While I'll never have the space or climate to be able to grow all my own food, I'd like to add more fruits & veggies to my gardens before I even get started.

At our old place, I had various herbs, strawberries, lettuce, & tomatoes. Quite a short list. And with very limited success.

This year, I'm thinking of adding peas, cucumbers, zucchini, beans, and anything else that we eat that I think I can grow.

My question is this: Am I getting in over my head? Is this worth the effort? I won't be able to make a potager/raised bed for these. They'll just be in gardens like my flowers. And we have rabbits and squirrels here that attack any plant life with a vengeance. I don't want all of my hard work to be wasted.

I'd appreciate any tips or advice from those of you that mix fruits & veggies in with your gardening efforts and have success. I've always gotten something for my trouble, but not enough to really be pleased with.

Thanks everyone!


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