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Winter succulent foliage color

13 years ago

This xMangave 'Macho Mocha' is one of the succulents that I always enjoy looking at year round in the garden, and never had heard of it before a trip to the JC Raulston Arboretum almost 8 years ago now. I found it hard to believe at the time that something so succulent could take winter weather in North Carolina, and also does as well here in balmier northern California. I my only complaint about the plant is that it must be planted in a spot where you won't damage/tear/break the leaves, and slugs and snails can do real damage in the winter. I've also discovered that deer may take a liking to the foliage, and seldom leave the bloom stalk alone once they discover it. On the other hand, it can take full hot sun or light shade, seldom needs more than once a month irrigation here by the bay, and looks this colorful year round. Are there many others here that also like this plant?

Here is a link that might be useful: xMangave 'Macho Mocha'

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