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Hobbiton conifers of the week, May 28th

Several plants are looking great today, and I have as usual, a Japanese maple to share and a new feature, a mystery plant for ID which I will try and include each week. Onward!

Abies koreana 'Wellenseind' - Some very cool colors in there on this miniature, purchased from Dennis Dodge.

Abies concolor 'Scooter' - Hopeful I don't have any issues this year with my white fir, it's been a real hard time keeping them afloat.

Abies procera [Hupp's Seedling #3]

Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Mucronata' - A nice blue-green color.

Abies alba 'Havel' - Seems to do well in part-shade, the new foliage is almost a chartreuse color.

Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph' - NOT a miniature as I once hoped and NOT really even a small dwarf in our climate here, I'd say it grows between four and ten inches a year.

Abies procera [Hupp's Seedling #2] - All of these seedlings have a nice look to them, time will tell if they are worthy of introduction.

Cedrus atlantica 'Mt. Saint Catherine' IS a true miniature, grows about an inch a year and wonderfully colored/textured. Very hard to keep alive by most accounts, fingers crossed here but three years in the ground now too.

Abies pinsapo 'Tuarek' Great bubbly new growth and VERY tolerant of heat/drought.

Cedrus atlantica 'Uwe' - Pronounced oooh-veey, a wonderful near-miniature plant.

Mystery plant #1

Abies nordmanniana 'Berlin Dahlem' - Surely looks unusual and different from my other specimens of the same cultivar. Below is the suggested 'correct' cultivar but I've also included a specimen of another cultivar that the foliage looks SIMILAR too. Please chime in with any thoughts/ideas you have.


Abies nordmanniana 'Berlin Dahlem' - 99% confident in this specimen's identity.

Abies borisii-regis 'J.K. Greece' Look at the foliage, it looks very similar to me.

Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon' - HUGELY popular in gardens, magazines and some day soon(if not already), nurseries near you, this bright orange/red/gold leafed maple sports these amazing hues for months during Spring/Summer. Just the right sun set's off the color - too much shade, it will be muted and too much sun burns it.

Closeup on the amazing leaves.

More next week, a double-dose since I will be very busy the week after.


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