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Who Do You Plant For?

14 years ago

I Plant for these Friends.

Their favorite nectar plants are Lantana, Pentas, and Porterweed.

Esperanza attracts them with its huge yellow bells, but they nectar on the Porterweed and Pride of Barbados planted with the Esperanza, except for the Sulphurs, who like Esperanza. In the afternnon, the butterflies seek out Lantana facing west in the sunshine.


Spicebush Swallowtail on Pentas


Clouded Sulphur on Esperanza (Tecoma stans)


Swallowtails and Gulf Frits on Tithonia


Black Swallowtails on Pentas


Spicebush Swallowtails on Pentas


Spicebush Swallowtail on Porterweed in front of Esperanza (Tecoma stans). Look closely for a Clouded Sulphur up high on the Esperanza.

A Hummingbird flew from the Esperanza. I was so startled I couldn't bring the camera up.


Gulf Frit on Porterweed


Buckeye on two colors of Lantana

Probably 5% of my butterfly pics were worth sharing today. The sun was wrong, the butterflies did what they do best --flew, my hands shook, or I failed to wait for the auto-focus. There are more from yesterday and Sunday that you haven't seen.

It's very hard to decide which to post when butterflies are plentiful. It takes patience to get their little pictures, but it is very rewarding, the wait.


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