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old pine trees, need i.d. and care, pics

14 years ago

This year, I am working on identifying the old trees on my property. I've taken a lot of you know what kind of pine trees these are?

They do have some bark issues, and die-back on lower branches.

They are over 2 stories, my house was built in 1945, they may be that old, but these were definitely planted, as they are in rows.

For perspective:

behind my 2 story house, you can see their tops behind the house:


next to my 1 story shed:





there are a lot of dead branches on some of the there a way to prevent this from getting worse? is this normal? You can't see it very well, but the tree that's directly next to my 1 story shed in the shed photo above has the whole lower east side (shed side) full of dying branches, starting from the lowest ones going up. I've been watching it for a few years now and it seemed to get really bad in the course of a year or two, but the dying seems to have stopped now.






below, some of the trees have these issues in the bark...the top 2 pics seem to be some type of woodpecker marks... just want to make sure....most of these little "holes" are at about 4-6 feet up from the ground on the trunk...I don't usually see woodpeckers that low, though...?

the bottom pic, I don't know what that is, I think there may be worse spots...:




The trees had the lower limbs already removed when I moved here.

Should I do anything to help them be healthier?

Thank you!

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