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Bright Light Cosmos Never Again

15 years ago

This is the second year in a row that my bright light cosmos have been huge, non- blooming (or very late-blooming and insignificantly-blooming)monstrosities. I've been growing them for 20-25 years. They usually bloom mid-July till frost, and reach about 2.5-3 feet tall. I use them for fillers in the perennial border and as a wonderful cutting flower. This year and last they have just been gigantic and weed-like, completely overtaking and obscuring every other flower in the garden. Every bed I plant them in. I do not fertilize. 5-7 feet tall by season's end, with trunks as thick as two or three fingers. I've loved them so much for so many years, I can't imagine summer without them. But I won't be planting them again. Anybody else finding this?

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