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A sad tale for any dahlia growers :-(

18 years ago

Hey all!

I have been happily anticipating starting all the tubers I carefully saved from last year. They were just beautiful and I was so looking forward to watching them come back to life!

I went into my garage fridge yesterday to pull out the carefully double wrapped and labeled little treasures to start potting them up and found a horribly empty drawer. WHAT!?!?! Where are they?!?!?!

I dug everything out of the fridge, no sign of them. I rechecked all my shelves and cabinets thinking maybe I moved them at some point in a fit of stupidity.... nothing.

DH wandered in and asked what I was doing. I explained that I was looking for all my double wrapped labeled dahlia tubers from last year and he got a pained look on his face. He described one of the bundles to a tee and I asked him where he put it.

"They went out in the trash last week." he said looking crestfallen.

"OMG OMG OMG!!! WHY?!?!?!?!" I shrieked!

It seems he thought they were long forgotten food that had turned "bad" and he thought he was doing me a favor by cleaning out the fridge for summer beverage use.

Sigh. I know he meant well and it is really hard to get mad at him for taking the initiative to clean anything... but GEEZ!

So, all my careful planning and anticipation is for naught. All my reading and rereading of all the great threads on how to split, wrap and store tubers will have to wait for next years experimenting.

Sigh. I know there isn't anything that can be done, I just wanted to share my tale of woe and say that if anyone has a well meaning spouse or SO - please let them know when you are saving stuff and not to toss it out!

Alexa - who is off to shop for more Dahlias now

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